File spoon-archives/marxism-general.archive/marxism-general_1996/96-12-01.070, message 44

Subject: M-G: El Diario #36: What do the scum say now?
Date: Fri, 29 Nov 1996 01:40:22 -0500 (EST)

In El Diario #36 we see a picture
of a cop-produced version of El Diario
in Lima that removes Luis Arce Borja's
name and only cites Janet Talavera's name.
She's dead now and can be so abused by the
cops. The other name is "Luis Rojas."

The headline reads, "The Peace Accord
serves the people and is a necessity
for the nation and the society."

For those who do not remember, Gina and 
Quispe took exactly the same line
about El Diario as the police version
reputedly published in El Diario Internacional
#36. Do they deny this? Do they deny
there are cop editions of the paper?

Gina and Quispe claimed to oppose
the peace accords, but now we see that
they were taking their cues from Peruvian

We seek any information on this as we
Maoist Sojourner is back on schedule.
One will be out in days and another
next month.

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