File spoon-archives/marxism-general.archive/marxism-general_1996/96-12-01.070, message 5

Date: Mon, 25 Nov 1996 11:12:15 +0100 (MET)
Subject: Re: M-G: Sweden-Workers begin to move!

Bob Malecki wrote, on 25.11, the below -
- a brief comment:

It's good that this is reported. However, precisely the
Trotskyites and other phoney"Marxists" have always backed
to the hilt exactly that anti-industrial policy by the
bourgeoisie which to such a great extent is the cause of
the present retrogression in Sweden, and in other countries
too. And people by no means are "moving toward the Trots".
Some people I know here in Malmoe in the south precisely
have distanced themselves from the Trot organization
"Offensiv", because of its (phoney) "environmentalist",
in reality anti-industrialist, extremism.

Rolf M.

>For the first time in decades the working-class in Sweden is beginning to 
>move. A big demonstration is planned for tomorrow in Stockholm. This is not 
>just any demonstration. In fact it is the Swedish working class going 
>against the reformist Social Democratic Government and its bougeois allies!
>In fact this is unprecedented in Europe today! Usually like in England, 
>Australia and New Zealand it is "labor against the Conervatives. This has 
>been the scenario just about everywhere since the end of the second world war.
>Today when the Soviet Union has disintegrated, the central reason why the 
>present attack against workers here in Sweden and Internationally, reformist 
>solutions along the lines of Social Democratic reformism are no longer viable. 
>And today as the Social Democratic leadership deserts the working class and 
>the trade unions for the middle class with anti-trade union legislation, tax 
>cuts which are directed at the middle class, massive unemployment, cuts and 
>a general attack of dismantling the "welfare state" a massive grass roots 
>movement is developing on a National level here in Sweden.
>The demonstration tomorrow is a direct attack against the Social Democrats! 
>Against their politics since taking power in the last elections. Against the 
>anti-trade union laws--against unemployment--against the cuts.
>And these cuts are hurting. Working class people and their families do not 
>have enough money to eat today. Tens of thousands can not support themselves 
>on unemployment insurance which the Social Democracy has cut and are forced 
>on to welfare! Soup lines are becoming a fact here in Sweden! And the 
>government has refused to take the surplus food from the common market as 
>Finland does today in order to feed unemployed workers and their families! 
>The Social Democrats refuse to apply for this food because of prestige and 
>that they are responsible for this situation
>and the deepening crisis.
>The trade union bureacracy is beginning to crack at the seams. Whilst the 
>central bureaucracy "supports" the demonstration they refuse to call for a 
>mobilisation saying that this demonstration only makes matters worse. In 
>reality they are the loyal supporters of the Social Democratic traitors in 
>the parlimemt. On the other hand the local trade union bureaucrats are not 
>only supporting the demo but mobilising people to take part. Under the 
>pressure from the grass roots below they have no other choice! A National 
>network for the unemployed is also growing. New Committees are popping up 
>everywhere! And naturally will be supporting the demo.
>The left also is beginning to mobilise for the demo.
>However, this demonstration will be the first major demo directed against a 
>reformist government in power ever here in Sweden. And the participants in 
>the overwhelming majority are or were Social Democratic workers! There are 
>still a lot of illusions. And the movement at present is certainly highly 
>confused in regards to how to solve the crisis.  We have people who are 
>still hoping that the Social Democracy will change course. There are others 
>who have completely left behind any support to political parties at all. 
>There are people moving to the left towards the Swedish CP and others 
>towards the "Trotskyists" formations. Naturally their are petty bougeois 
>middle class people  effected by the crisis also. 
>What unites all of these people is a classical trade union United Front 
>against the Social Democratic traitors in the government. A program directed 
>against the government, against unemployment, especially against the 
>anti-trade unions laws that will be voted for in December and the general 
>dismantling of the welfare state. There are other slogans also like "Save 
>Sweden" which shows how provincial at present this movement is. However this 
>must be seen in the context of the fact that the left has been against 
>membership in the common market. And the general tendency to blame 
>membership in the common market as being the major reasons for all the cuts. 
>This is partially true, but hardly the central reason. But the left 
>continues to build the illusion that this is the main reason. The general 
>tendency being towards Swedish isolationism and back to the good old days of 
>the welfare state. 
>Already the discussions about putting forth trade union candidates in the 
>Social democracy is coming to the surface. Especially on the local level 
>this is seen as a clear tactic to oust the present Social Democratic 
>leadership who's overwhelming majority have never been in a work place in 
>their lives! As if ONLY getting some trade unionists into the parliment will 
>help turn back the clock. Naturally any serious independent list by Social 
>Democratic trade unionists, that clearly says "Break with you bougeois 
>partners" and a program of defending whats left of the welfare state and 
>going back to the good old times could be given critical support.
>However, Communists must patiently explain that such a platform will not 
>solve the problems of the Swedish working class and especially isolating 
>Sweden from the rest of the class struggle in Europe is utopian at best. 
>Only a program and a party that is prepared to fight for *real* political 
>power with a program including not just saving the welfare state, but a 
>workers government that will go all the way in expropriating the 
>expropriaters. This linked to the struggle not only here in Sweden, but 
>Europe and the rest of the entire world.
>The present period is quite clearly proving many of the things that the 
>Leninists and Trotskyists have said about Social Democracy, The United 
>Front, Trade Unions and Trade Union struggles, Politics and a program of 
>struggle for political power linked to the vital and central issue of a 
>political party along the lines of the Leninist model can only show the way 
>forward. Especially the United Front and the rule march seperately but 
>strike together presenting a clear alternative to the Social Democrats and 
>the Euro-Communists will be essential in order to recruit to the vanguard 
>The duty of the Communists in the coming period is a period of patiently 
>explaining the reasons for this crisis and a program for its solution. 
>Patiently explaining why the Social Democrats nor the Euro-Communists can 
>solve the problem of leadership. While at the same time recruiting the most 
>militant vanguard of the workers to a revolutionary party and a 
>revolutionary International.
>Not tailing tjhis movement and echoing the slogans and political line of the 
>traditional reformist Social democrats of going back to the good old times. 
>Nor tailing the neo-Stalinist CPs who can provide no leadership and stand on 
>the ruins of Stalinist politics Internationally. The tendency to build a 
>"broadie" 9 and 1/2 International along the common denominater of the 
>politics of the reformists and the Stalinist but also the liquidationist 
>fake "Trotskyists" for the sake of "Unity" on principle must also be 
>combatted. That road only paves the way to new disasters for the working class.
>Only the Trotskyist perspective of the Proletarian United Front can show the 
>way forward and be a tool in forming and hardening the vanguard of the 
>working class and recruiting them to the party.
>Thus the only solution is the building of a Bolshevik Leninist Tendency here 
>in Sweden as elsewhere based on the politics of Leninism, the Left 
>Opposition and the founding documents of the FI. Because the present crisis 
>is ultimately a crisis of leadership. And that leadership can only be built 
>on the great traditions of the historical Left Opposition to the Stalinist 
>COMINTERN and the Social Democratic Second International.
>Today it is not "Unity" as the "unity mongerers proclaim that is neccessary 
>Internationally. What is needed is a *real* Bolshevik Leninist-Trotskyist 
>based on all of the great historical struggles of the past decades that must 
>be forged. Neo-Stalinism in its present clone form and Social Democracy have 
>never nor can provide leadership in the past nor present epoch. Their 
>politics only can mean a new round of defeats for the working class. 
>Bob Malecki      
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