Date: Sat, 30 Nov 1996 22:02:19 -0500 Subject: M-G: One Step Back, Two Steps Forward! EDITORIAL One Step Back, Two Steps Forward. Facts have confirmed what was established by the Communist Party of Peru (PCP.) The most important news of 1996 was the confirmation that the effects of the "bend in the road" of the People's War (the capture of President Gonzalo), has been overcome. This is truly fabulous because this is no longer September 1992 but the end of 1996. It has been four years of intense struggle for the Party to build organizations superior to those of the reactionaries. This construction refers principally to the three instruments of the revolution: the Party, the People's Army and the People's Front. The revolution continues the armed struggle to achieve the strategic offensive which is approaching closer each day. This is the stage in which insurrections in the cities will be initiated to conquer power countrywide. With respect to the old State, the economy is undergoing a profound crisis as a result of the application of their neoliberal program. In 1995, Fujimori, after the fraud in which he was elected with 18 percent of the vote, had to readjust his neoliberal program and it has burst. He persists on an exhausted program that has gone from failure to failure in all parts of the world. For the government, 1996 was a year of crisis, conflicts, more intervention of Yankee imperialism, and widespread corruption and narcotrafficking in the armed forces and the government, including Fujimori himself, and his traitorous advisor Montesinos. Facts have also demonstrated that their three counterrevolutionary goals: to reinvigorate bureaucratic capitalism, restructure the old state and annihilate the People's War, are historically and politically impossible to achieve. Privatization is strongly repudiated by the people; the trade deficit is widening; the so-called "modernization" of the State is repeated like a bad joke. On the People's War, they talk about the return of "Sendero," and increase the military repression against unarmed civilians; even dissidents in the armed forces are being murdered or jailed (e.g., General Robles.) At the same time, the U.S. Pentagon has sent additional military reinforcements to fight the insurgency in the Huallaga Valley, under the same old disguise of: "war on drugs." On the world level, the general counter-revolutionary offensive led by U.S. imperialism, along with its appendices (IMF, World Bank, AID and UN) who impose their worn out neoliberal policies on the oppressed countries, have failed to achieve their goals. What marks the world situation today is the beginning of a New Great Wave of the World Proletarian Revolution, whose seeds can be seen in every corner of the world. That's why the PCP upholds that: Revolution is the principal historical and political trend in today's world! The Party has said that the counter-revolutionary offensive is sharpening the class struggle at the world level, and this in turn, is intensifying the fundamental contradictions at the world level, especially the contradiction between oppressed nations and imperialism, as well as the contradictions between the imperialist powers and superpowers for hegemony, and the contradiction between the proletariat and bourgeoise. The working class in Europe, Australia and the United States, for example, is emerging from its lethargy. Thus, we see the decrepitude and putrefaction of imperialism which is in decline and rotting along with its worshipers, the revisionists and renegades like the moribund Teng Xiaoping and Boris Yeltsin. Can imperialism today deny that its so-called neoliberalism, is collapsing everywhere? This fact is expressed by the growth of unemployment, hunger and the belligerence of the masses. Beyond that, the imperialists are preparing for a new world war, which is where the trade war, the formation of blocks and alliances, and the growing militarization is leading. On the other hand, the Marxist counter-offensive is advancing. The initiation of the People's War in Nepal is a blow to imperialism on another flank. In Peru, as on the world level, things are improving for the revolution and getting worse for them. We ask: what is driving and spurring on this entire process both at the national and world level? Without a doubt, it is the advance of the People's War in Peru. On the military level, the contradiction between revolution and counter-revolution is expressed as the People's War vs. Counter-Insurgency War. In the case of Peru, it is a counter-insurgency war led directly by U.S. imperialism since April 1992, vs. the People's War led by the PCP.. It is important to understand what the Party says: that with Fujimori's coup in 1992, there was a turn in the situation because at that point, Yankee imperialism took over the direct command of the counter-insurgency war. So far, they have applied the strategy of low-intensity conflict, but the advance of the People's War, is pushing them towards an open military escalation. To the extent that the People's War advances, large Yankee military intervention or by way of third parties, becomes a fact. For that reason, the PCP says that since April 1992, the principal contradiction has begun to change. It is entering a situation in which the principal contradiction of today, the masses vs. feudalism, is gradually becoming the contradiction between nation and imperialism, which will be seen even more clearly through a direct invasion, or an invasion by third parties. Finally, we present our most comprehensive issue yet to make available to supporters of the revolution worldwide and progressive people interested in Peru. We hope that this information will help to clear up the fog of disinformation that has been spread around by the imperialist media, its lackeys, and revisionists. We also seek unity with all revolutionary forces, supporters of the People's War, and with the Peru People's Movements (MPPs) in accordance with the International Directive of the PCP, the Party accords, the First Congress, the Second and Third Plenum, the milestone following the Congress, and the speech [from the cage--Trans.] which condenses the Third Plenum, and the current documents of the Party. The Editors. ==========================================The New Flag A magazine at the service of the oppressed people of Peru. 30-08 Broadway, Suite 159 Queens, NY 11106 VISIT THE PCP WEB PAGE: --- from list ---
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