File spoon-archives/marxism-general.archive/marxism-general_1996/96-12-01.070, message 54

Date: Sun, 1 Dec 1996 09:07:56 +0100 (MET)
Subject: Re: M-G: One Step Back, Two Steps Forward!

The long-since-exposed US imperialist agent W. Palomino
("L. Quispe") is posting again, 30.11. He pretends to "support" 
the people's war in Peru:

>                              One Step Back, Two Steps Forward.	
>Facts have confirmed what was established by the Communist Party of Peru
>(PCP.)  The most important news of 1996 was the confirmation that the
>effects of the "bend in the road" of the People's War  (the capture of
>President Gonzalo), has been overcome.  

Another not unimportant piece of news internationally was the
complete exposure of the Avakian-"Quispe" black gang, in

>Thus, we see the decrepitude and putrefaction of imperialism which is in
>decline and rotting along with its worshipers, the revisionists and
>renegades like the moribund Teng Xiaoping and Boris Yeltsin

....and not least its phoney"Marxist" agents and helpers of the
Avakian-"Quispe" catherogy and others.

>On the other hand, the Marxist counter-offensive is advancing. The
>initiation of the People's War in Nepal is a blow to imperialism on
>another flank. In Peru, as on the world level, things are improving for
>the revolution and getting worse for them. We ask: what is driving and
>spurring on this entire process both at the national and world level? 
>Without a doubt, it is the advance of the People's War in Peru.

A typical exaggeration, to single out that people's war as having
such a great importance internationally as is described here.
What "Quispe" is after is to support and, if possible, make
permanent those errors on international questions which the PCP
is still also making and which are also harming the international
proletariat: Above all its continued support for the phoney
"International" the "RIM".

>Finally, we present our most comprehensive issue yet to make available
>to supporters of the revolution worldwide and progressive people
>interested in Peru. We hope that this information will help to clear up
>the fog of disinformation that has been spread around by the imperialist
>media, its lackeys, and revisionists. 

The thief, as usual, shouting: "Stop the thief!"

>The Editors.
>==========================================>The New Flag
>A magazine at the service of the oppressed people of Peru - reality, of US imperialism and of reaction in general.

Rolf M.

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