File spoon-archives/marxism-general.archive/marxism-general_1996/96-12-01.070, message 6

Date: Mon, 25 Nov 1996 11:20:41 +0100 (MET)
Subject: Re: M-G: Found: China Study Group Newsletter

Thanks a lot for the below, Jay.

A few very brief comments:

>Greetings Rolf!
>Thanks very much for the information (below) that you posted
>regarding the symposium on the Great Proletarian Cultural 
>Revolution to be held in NY in December.  I was not aware of
>it or of the China Study Group.  I have met several times one
>of the persons that will speak there, Pao-Yu, a supporter of
>Mao Tse-Tung and the Cultural Revolution.  She writes for
>Monthly Review often.  I have a small book/article called:
>"Rethinking Socialism" by her and Deng-Yuan Hsu which I will
>make a copy of and send you.  It is very interesting.  You
>would like Pao-Yu, Rolf, she does not agree with me on Chiang
>Ching  either! 

Very good that you have contact with someone who obviously
is rather well informed on events in China, historical
ones too! So you'll see, Jay - I hope - that the Avakianists
etc etc have been fooling people completely concerning that
part of recent Chinese history! (I think my Info #22 on that
in 12 parts - 3400+ lines!) is contains some pretty conclusive
evidence on the "4-Gang". But it's always good to have some
confirmation and more info.

NB We should watch out for a certain type of Chinese
chauvinism which is now rising, it seems, and which probably
would try to utilize (misuse) the greatness of Mao Zedong
for itself. The "PCP tradition" of course is making "the
opposite" mistake, that of supporting the "4-Gang".

>Also thanks for the information about Mao's 
>so-called "Doctor".  I also noticed a great deal of contradictions
>and historical inaccuracies which appeared in much-trumpeted
>(by the imperialists) book by Li Zhisui. His story is impossible.
>I am anxiously waiting for the english translation.  If you hear 
>any more about it, let us know.     -Jay Miles / Detroit

I shall do that!

Rolf M.

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