File spoon-archives/marxism-general.archive/marxism-general_1996/96-12-01.070, message 7

Date: Mon, 25 Nov 1996 11:58:41 +0100 (MET)
Subject: M-G: Knitting the continents together

It pleased me very much to read, just now, that Jay Miles,
of the Detroit Peru Support Committee, had been discussing
with, among other people, Pao Yu, who obviously is of Chinese
origin and is also a supporter of Mao Zedong and the Cultural

She then in a way represents the Chinese tradition,
while Jay represents not only the US one but also a South
American (Peruvian) political tradition, one could say. 

With me and others "representing" Europe, then, and for instance
Reynaldo, a Filipino living in the US, Oceania, we could
already begin in a miniscule way to knit the continents
together (meaning of course, the masses of people there).

Mao Zedong adherents in Africa I still haven't heard of -
could we convince Richard P, South Africa, into becoming one
or do we have to wait?

Of course those people and contacts I've mentioned here are
not the only ones either. But to me, it seems they might
represent some very concrete "contact surfaces". It all
looks very promising to me, as the smallest of beginnings!

Rolf M.

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