File spoon-archives/marxism-general.archive/marxism-general_1996/96-12-01.070, message 9

Date: Mon, 25 Nov 96 12:58:14    
Subject: M-G: Mickey Fenn (1938-1996)

Comrades in the LCMRCI were particularly saddened to learn of the passing of 

victimised Tilbury dockworker Mickey Fenn,who died of a heart attack on July 

28th.Despite the political differences we certainly had with Mickey,who had 
been an active member of both the old Communist Party of Great Britain and 
the International Socialists (the forerunner of today's Socialist Workers 
Party),we salute his courage and extend fraternal condolences to Mickey's 
family and friends.Mickey's resolute commitment to class struggle and his 
determination to help build an anti-fascist movement among London 
dockworkers around the time of Enoch Powell's notorious "rivers of blood" 
speech in the late 1960's mark his untimely passing down as a big loss for 
our class.	

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