Date: Thu, 19 Dec 1996 20:59:00 +0100 (MET) Subject: Re: M-G: Interview With The MRTA - December 19, 1996 Hello Amy, (I'm posting this as a reply after the Detcom, Detroit, has already made one reply to you) >On Wed, 18 Dec 1996, Amy E Knaggs <> wrote: >>> >>I'm wondering...does anyone have any comments or information on the >>situation in Peru regarding the hostages held by the militant guerilla >>group? >> Also, does anyone else think >>it's a little fishy that the American ambassador left the party 30 >>minutes before the takeover occurred? >>amy esther knaggs-lazarowicz >>dept. of history >>university of new hampshire >> >> I'd say, on your last sentence here: YES INDEED! And thank you very much for that bit of information, which the media here in Sweden so far have kept completely mum about. (I haven't yet read any foreign newspapers etc on the matter.) In my (not all that well-informed) opinion, it's probable that the people's war in Peru led by the PCP, the much more imprtant organization, which I'm supporting while at the same time criticizing certain positions of theirs on international matters, has become "a little too successful" for some imperialists' liking - it "was supposed to" have been wiped out long ago but is at least still holding on - and so it *might* suit some people to make a manoeuvre to deflect attention away from it. That's one of your thoughts too, isn't it, and on the face of it, I think one must have suspicions precisely in that direction. *Clarity* on the matter I cannot say that I have. >From the Detcom's reply, you'll have gotten some information on the different groups involved. Rolf M. --- from list ---
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