Date: Thu, 19 Dec 1996 20:32:46 -0500 Subject: M-G: PERU: People's Army Backbone of the Revolution. PEOPLE'S ARMY OF LIBERATION (EPL): THE BACKBONE OF THE NEW POWER The EPL is an army of new type that carries out political tasks established by the PCP. It applies the Maoist principle that "the Party commands the gun and we will never allow the gun to command the Party." The EPL performs 3 tasks: to combat, which is the principal; to mobilize, mainly to politicize, organize and arm the masses; and to produce, implementing self-reliance and self-sufficiency. The People's Army is an example to the people of the world and serves the world proletarian revolution. EPL is mostly made up of peasants led by the Communist Party, it upholds as its ideology Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, Gonzalo Thought. They are forged in a life full of hardship, sacrifice and the risk of giving up their lives, which leads them to revolutionary heroism. President Gonzalo has organized the EPL incorporating the masses into people's militias, forming 3 military forces: the principal forces, the local forces and base forces, which act mainly in the countryside with actions in the city as a complement. This is a step forward towards the armed masses of people. The Party is organized at all levels of the People's Army; there are two commands, one military and the other political, and it develops by means of a two-line struggle between the proletarian military line and the bourgeois military line. The revolutionary People's Army also has 3 departments: political, military and logistical. It organizes itself into guerrilla squads, contingents and battalions in the countryside; and in the cities it has special detachments (destacamientos), general guerrilla detachments and the people's militias. All the principles of the military operations are based on a simple principle: "strive hard to conserve our own forces and smash those of the enemy." In a revolutionary war, these principles are directly linked to the main political principle of the war. The implementation of these principles on the battlefield means utilizing the revolutionary army to defend our country and to expel the invaders. To this end, the soldiers of the revolution carry out their operations. Every war imposes a price, sometimes this price is very high. This does not negate the principle of conserving our own forces and smashing those of the enemy. In other words, the two aspects are opposites intrinsically linked to each other, since sacrifice is needed not only to destroy the enemy but to conserve our own forces. The partial and temporary non-conservation of our forces is indispensable to conserve the whole. This basic principle infers a myriad of other principles that guide the military operations, including the strategy. THE OPEN PEOPLE'S COMMITTEES In spite of the extraordinary efforts of the reactionary regimes in Peru to hide the truth, the world has already seen one of the hundreds of Open People's Committee in which the New Power is a reality. The People's Committee of Sorata (Ayacucho) and the urban support bases of Lima were shown in the extraordinary video "The People of the Shining Path", it won't be too long before genuine international supporters of the revolution place the entire film on the Internet, showing the world more images of the stunning advances of the People's War. One of the first revolutionary journalists to reach the People's Committee of El Alto Huallaga was Luis Morales Ortega who on September 14, 1987 visited the area and wrote a revealing report with extensive film and photos. For this outstanding journalistic activity, shortly thereafter, Morales Ortega paid with his life. The "democratic" government of Garcia Perez ordered his assassination. Four years later, on July 11, 1991, another journalist visited El Huallaga to report on the People's Committees. For that reason, the murderer Fujimori still keeps him imprisoned at the Cantogrande prison. At the end of 1996, no one can deny that the People's Committees abutting the Huallaga Valley are a stronghold of the New Power. The persecution and hostilities by the armed forces defending the old society are confronted by the People's Army along the banks of the Huallaga River. On one bank of the River, are the members of the counter-subversive forces and informants who watch closely the visitors who arrive in the zone. Although the hordes of the regime can still contaminate some of the populations along the main highway (Carretera Marginal) where the struggle of revolution and counterrevolution is hotly contested, on the other side of the river are the People's Committees, some of them clandestine and others open, all of them under the leadership of the PCP, where the red flag of the proletariat waves high and proud. On many occasions, the genocidal army and its Yankee advisors have strafed the population from helicopters; they also may arrest, torture and kill any passerby they see in the area. In the community of Pueblo Nuevo, 15 minutes from the U.S. military base of Santa Lucia, the armed forces have ransacked the homes of unarmed peasants, kidnaped them and dumped them in the river. Recently the Peruvian marines and special operation forces of the police are conducting patrols along Carretera Marginal that are being continuously ambush by the People's Army. On the margins of the Huallaga are the territories of the New Power, some more developed than others, but all of them have become more sophisticated and sharper in confronting the genocidal armed forces should they dare to penetrate the red bastions. In 1994, the enemy launched its "final offensive" in the Huallaga, and the little murderer set the deadline of July 28, 1995 to finish off the "few hot spots of subversion". They tried to penetrate by air, land and river, but their advance was crippled by the fierce resistance from the armed masses of people organized by the People's Army and the PCP. They had to hold back to avoid more losses. 1996 is almost over, and the countersubversive forces do not dare again to penetrate the liberated territories. The few times they did were soundly defeated by the People's Army, and with the strategic retreat of the population so as to avoid the heavy bombardment >from their warplanes and thus the revolutionaries prevent genocides. Thus, the life of the people is modest, hard and full of sacrifice. The base force of the People's Army of each open People's Committees play the role of a new type of police. It guards against enemy ambushes, prevents enemy infiltrations and guarantees the security of the masses. In case of enemy attack this force made up mainly of local population must provide cover while the people retreat, stopping the enemy attack. They also carry out rearguard tasks for the local force of the People's Army in case of counterattack or retreat in order to reestablish the base area at a later date. In addition to the two line struggle between the proletariat military line versus the bourgeois military line and the study of Party documents, all combatants have productive tasks, with their weapons over their shoulders. Machete in hands, they are involved in productive activities. The military training is intensive, the mock exercises of attack and defense are frequent. The focus is on human power, not in weapons. If a strategic retreat is ordered, all population, with their basic utensils, medicines, munitions, clothing and food are mobilized to deny the murderous army a target in the people. The People's Justice is carried out during the People's Assemblies which convoke mass meetings where the accused are judged with objectivity but exemplary justice. The synchronization and the timing to coordinate activities among People's Committees is precise because not only the populations are well informed of the current events of the People's War but they perform many times joint military activities against the enemy. The attack to the military base protecting ENDEPALMA, a large manufacturer of olive oil, was done jointly. In this action, 4 military commanders, 4 captains and many military goons were annihilated. The Party festivities, May 1st, May 17th, October 7th, December 3rd, June 19th, etc. are celebrated by the People's Committees. The public programs are prepared in advance in which the masses from many People's Committees further strengthen the ties among themselves. In these meetings the Party reports are read, especially those of the Central Committee. Also, the revolutionary art, poetry, drama and songs are presented by the masses and combatants. THE NEW ECONOMY The New Economy casts aside the old and rotten relations of production and exchange controlled by the big landowners, and the drug lords. Even thought the monopoly of commercialization of basic products such as Cacao still exists(controlled by an Italian oligarchy and the old agro- industry cooperative of locality of Naranjillo), the New Economy is also based on self- sufficiency, self-supply and collective work in accordance with the necessities of the People's War. In the cocaine zones, where for years only coca has grown because the land has not been fertile enough to growth other products, the Communist Party of Peru has promoted the cultivation of food products like yucca, plantains, pituca (giant potato from the East) and cacao, among others, with the aim that the People's Committees do not have to depend on the marketing of coca. The PCP also puts important emphasis on supporting the cultivation of foods products for the market, which makes it possible for the open People's Committees to import fertilizers at minimum surcharge. For example, the Commissar of Economy and Production of a People's Committee is charged with ensuring that the small merchants who come in to sell fertilizer are limited to 30% profit rate. In the past, these products were marketed at a profit rate of up to 300%, which made it impossible for the peasants to plant anything other than coca. The economy of a New Type being developed has been an exemplary and effective way to further address the basic needs of the people. The peasants and their families are guaranteed housing and a parcel of arable land. The land in the Open People's Committees is for those who till it; subleasing or hereditary lands are not allowed. Everyone who is willing to work under the system of leadership and organization of the Open People's Committees has the opportunity, which under the old society was denied to them. There is frequent exchange of products, but it is controlled by the commissioner of the economy, who makes sure a fair price is had by both parties. Often, there are exchanges or bartering of fruits, garden vegetables or legumes for processed products >from the cities like oil pasta, spices, etc. There are also frequent exchanges of products in the zone for potatoes and onions from the sierra region. As for commerce, prices are regulated once products enter the Open People's Committee. The maximum rate of profit allowed is 30 percent. Control of the sale of alcohol is even more rigorous. To discourage the sale of alcohol (and thus its consumption) the maximum rate of profit allowed is 5 percent. Consumption in public areas is limited to Saturdays and Sundays. ALTERNATIVE CROPS TO COCA The Upper Huallaga region is known worldwide as a center of coca production. The poor peasantry of this extensive tropical valley dedicate a part of their time to the harvesting of coca leaves. A unresolved problem in the region, and one which causes a dilemma for the peasants, is the low market value of their food products in comparison with that of the coca leaf. While plantains, cacao and yucca are bought by businessmen and intermediary monopolies at low prices (which doesn't even cover the expense of planting and harvesting), coca is bought by intermediary businessmen (traqueteros) at prices that roughly cover the cost the peasants have invested in their food crops. There are areas controlled, organized and administered by the Communist Party of Peru in which excellent quality rice is produced; they also oversee chicken and other animal farms on a scale never before seen in this region. In sum, the economy of the New State is developing steadily despite great difficulties and obstacles put in place by the old society and its representatives. In the Open People's Committees one can sense the determination of the people led by the Communist Party of Peru to develop a self-sufficient economic system that no longer depends on dollars from the sale of coca leaves. Therefore, in addition to promoting the cultivation of food products, the raising of livestock such as hogs, chickens, ducks, sheep and work animals is also promoted. One of the principle goals of the commissioners of production in the Open People's Committees is to bring about steady commerce and exchange of products with the villages and Open People's Committees of the sierra region, in order to balance the people's diet with geese, potatoes, garden vegetables and other products that he Upper Huallaga region lacks. Peru People's Movement (MPP). Published by The New Flag 30-08 Broadway, Suite 159 Queens, NY 11106 PCP WEB page: --- from list ---
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