Date: Sat, 21 Dec 1996 11:21:14 +0100 (MET) Subject: Re: M-G: Re: M-I: MRTA Has History Of High-Profile Attacks Jay wrote, and Bob replied: >>Greetings. This post has a pretty good history of MRTA >>and paints what seems to be a pretty accurate picture of >>them, except I do not think you could describe them as >>"Marxist-Leninists" as the article does. They do not >>come across as having anything to do with Leninism, but >>rather I would describe them as following the ideology >>of the "Early Malecki", the mad-bomber proto-type of >>our present day internet-bolshevik Malecki. Aren't >>the antics of the MRTA similar to those of the cockroach >>as a young boy? -Jay Miles / Detroit > >Interesting! I wonder what Detcom would be writting if it had been some PCP >people who pulled off this action. Then we would have heard how glorious and >revolutionary the action was. And the MRTA are probably much futher to the >left the Malecki was in his adventurist days. And in fact probably much >futher to the left then the PCP. > >And the real point here is in reality what Proyect says in his letter along >the lines of defending these people against the Fujimora regime! Now Detcom. >We want to hear Do you defend these people or not against the Fujimora regime? > >Bob Malecki The hostage-taking action by those Trotskyites in Peru is not likely to help the masses of people there (or elsewhere) one bit. And the chances are it was not intended to either, on the part of the string-pullers one must suspect are behind it, at least. Historian Amy E Knaggs, who asked, don't other people too find it fishy that the US ambassador left 30 minutes before it all began, in my judgement has showed some good thinking. It *is* fishy, and so is the whole thing. As for "left", there are TWO KINDS of such: 1) genuine, 2) fake. The "MRTA" by no means is "further to the left" than the PCP (an organization which I judge to be at least in the main *genuinely* revolutionary, though it does support some reactionary things too). The "MRTA", for instance, says "Cuba is socialist" and "the former Soviet Union was socialist", doesn't it? Therefore, it's unlikely that on the whole it's really on the side of the people. These things are not all "black-and-white" either of course, but on the whole, one must suspect that the MRTA is being used as a pawn by some reactionaries. The same question - genuine left or fake? - arises in connection with the debate on events in China in 1976 etc: Were the 4-Gang an "ultra-left" group, as say the "traditional" bourgeoisie and the reactionary so-called Avakianists? No, they were in reality an ultra-Rightist group, only masquerading as left, the facts show (as reported and proved in detail in my 12-part 3400+ line posting "UNITE! Info #22en" on 03.11.96, to newsgroups and to this Marxism-General list; can be found in Spoon archives). Rolf M. --- from list ---
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