File spoon-archives/marxism-general.archive/marxism-general_1996/96-12-23.081, message 25

Date: Sat, 21 Dec 1996 10:21:53 -0500
Subject: Re: M-G: Re: M-I: MRTA Has History Of High-Profile Attacks

Rolf Martens wrote:

> As for "left", there are TWO KINDS of such: 1) genuine, 2) fake.
> The "MRTA" by no means is "further to the left" than the PCP
> (an organization which I judge to be at least in the main
> *genuinely* revolutionary, though it does support some
> reactionary things too). The "MRTA", for instance, says "Cuba
> is socialist" and "the former Soviet Union was socialist",
> doesn't it? Therefore, it's unlikely that on the whole it's
> really on the side of the people. These things are not all
> "black-and-white" either of course, but on the whole, one
> must suspect that the MRTA is being used as a pawn by some
> reactionaries.

Do they really say these awful things in public?! Ha, the reactionaries have
indeed unmasked themselves. Let's hope Fujimore will squash this anti-proletarian
conspiracy. The other day I heard some specialists from nearby Fort Braggs
flew to Lima to help him. I may buy flowers to greet them upon return. Thanks
Rolf, good show.


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