File spoon-archives/marxism-general.archive/marxism-general_1996/96-12-23.081, message 29

Date: Sat, 21 Dec 1996 15:02:49 -0800
Subject: M-G: Hostages Issue Statement On Their Plight

Hostages Issue Statement On Their Plight

December 21, 1996
Web posted at: 8:30 a.m. EST (1330 GMT) 

LIMA, Peru (Reuter) -- The following is a translation of the
complete text of a statement written by some of about 340
hostages held by Marxist Peruvian guerrillas in the Japanese
ambassador's residence. The statement was issued late on Friday,
and read to reporters by legislator Javier Diez Canseco, one of 38
hostages released by the Tupac Amaru Revolutionary Movement
MRTA) guerrillas on Friday. 

"To the Peruvian government, public opinion and the international

1. We are in an extremely difficult and delicate situation, the
peaceful solution of which is complex but indispensable, seeking
the possibility of looking beyond immediate circumstances and
being oriented in a spirit of peace. 

2. We have received respectful and reasonable treatment under the
circumstances, but conditions are precarious: 

a) Water has been cut off from the outside and we have not had
water since four o'clock this morning (Friday). As a consequence,
the bathrooms are not working. 

b) Electricity has also been cut off from outside and we are
temporarily using a generator until fuel runs out. 

c) Telephones have been cut off from outside the home and the
entry of cellular telephones prevented, which means we cannot
communicate on account of the authorities. 

We demand these services be restored since being deprived of
them only worsens our circumstances and threatens our situation
even more. 

3. Food is scarce and erratic and health problems are growing. 

4. Although our situation does not allow us to decide the fate that
awaits us, we wish to reiterate, I repeat, we wish to reiterate, our
call for an effective negotiation which leads to a peaceful, calm and
responsible solution which rules out violence. 

>From our position, and with the little information we have, we are
very concerned. We, the hostages, want to be kept informed. 

5. Peace is not impossible and the delicate situation which we are
experiencing could bring us closer to it if we face up to it, seeking
an integrated political solution after a negotiation process with
international support. 

We call on the government and the MRTA to assume a process of
this type and to put aside a military solution which would not only
cost many lives but would also leave deeper wounds and ruin the
opportunity of an integrated solution projected towards peace. 

The government has made it public that it will not use a violent
solution and our captors said they hope for not only the release of
their prisoners but also to open a path to an integrated political
solution within a peace process. 

We implore the Peruvian government, the Peruvian people and the
international community to help us along this road. 

(Source: CNN,

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