Date: Sun, 22 Dec 1996 09:38:44 +0100 (MET) Subject: M-G: Reply to Jay Miles Part 2 In the third world we always have very radical anti-imperialist petit bourgeois movements which are not based in the working class. We defend them against the reaction but we try to organise the working class as a separate class with its own revolutionary party, councils and militias. The small property is against the big property but also against the wage workers. In some moment the small property would need to shift towards the big property with the aim to develop an stable state and to smash the wage workers. In the Andes the APRA (Peru) and the MNR (Bolivia) made many militarist actions in their "anti-imperialist" early days. Nevertheless, all of them became imperialist puppets. In the recent years we saw how the FSLN, the FMLN, the Colombian M-19, the Bolivian MIR, the Ecuatorian Alfaro Vive, etc. became part of the establishment and how they use their forces to attack the working class strikes. Marxist policies in relation to the petit bourgeois militarism are based on the following criteria: * The capitalist state is the main enemy and we would never support any state's action against the guerrillas. * We call the anti-imperialist petit bourgeoisie to mobilise the masses and to allow the creation of big unions, councils and militias subordinated to rank and file assemblies. * At the same time that we call for the anti-imperialist petit bourgeoisie to take part in a united front, we need to criticise them and to organise a separate WORKERS party in OPPOSITION to them. * We need to always denounce that the radical petit bourgeoisie WILL capitulate. They don't centre their work amongst the industrial proletariat and they don't reflect it. It is inevitable that the guerrillas would end on the opposite side of the barricades. All the petit bourgeois guerrillas finished in one of these 4 ways: 1) Destruction or marginalisation (like the armed groups in Italy, Germany, Bolivia, etc.) 2) Capitulating to the establishment (Colombia, Peru, Central America, etc.) 3) If they took power they would rebuild a bourgeois state (Angola, Mozambique, Nicaragua, etc.). The right wing would use the left "anti-imperialist" guerrilla to demobilise the masses and to prepare the conditions for its reactionary return to power. In Palestine and South Africa the former anti-imperialist fighters today are trying to reform-maintain the racist states. 4) In a few circumstances (like in east Asia, east Europe and Cuba) the guerrillas could expropriate the bourgeoisie and create a bureaucratic stalinist workers state which suppress workers democracy and active proletarian internationalism. The destruction of the USSR and the process of capitalist restoration in the east will prevent such an outcome in the near future. A ruling bureaucracy from a degenerated workers state always has the possibility of destroying its own previous creation and starting to restore capitalism. In no place in the planet did the anti-imperialist petit bourgeois guerrillas lead to a workers council state, to a semi-state like the Commune of Paris or the Lenin and Trotsky Russian Soviet state. * A revolutionary workers party has to use the parliament and electoral tribune and the union and mass struggle to organise itself and to mobilise the toilers. We are against a military-political party because it creates a bureaucratic authoritarian machine which kills workers democracy and Bolshevik discussion and democratic-centralism. The workers would have arms when they became a class so politically active they could attract the majority of the population and several layers of the troops to their power bodies. We are for patient work amongst the masses and for a future insurrection led by workers and peasants councils and militias and supported by significant sections of the army's rank and file. We are against all the guerrillerist strategies because they are not led by the workers and often they would end up attacking the workers. We are for THE SAME STRATEGY AS THE BOLSHEVIKS: the priority is the work amongst the workers and to prepare councils and a MASS revolutionary party that could prepare an insurrection in a revolutionary crisis. In the Andes we are not in favour of launching today a war or armed struggle, but we are in favour of self-defence committees. In Peru we don't have a revolutionary crisis. On the contrary, we have a period of reactionary offensive in which the masses have to defend themselves and the left and unions need to grow. Gonzalo and the historical leadership in jail are promoting a "peace agreement". In Palestine the Hamas and the different "people's liberation fronts" and former PLO left-wingers are openly attacking Arafat, the Palestinean great leader, as a a traitor. In Colombia the guerrilla forces which opposed the peace process organised by the M-19, PRT, Quintin Lama and some wings of the EPL and ELN are openly denouncing their former leaders and comrades as traitors. The PCP-SL pro-war faction doesn't want to break with Gonzalo. Why? The only explanation is that they don't want to break all the bridges towards a "peace agreement". The existence of a militarist PCP-SL faction is no longer considered as a risk for the state. Of course the army would like to finish it. Nevertheless, everybody is taking advantage of the existence of a very small militarist group. The army and Fujimori are using the "phantom" of "terrorism" to impose the worst anti-union laws in the continent. In Peru Fujimori was able to smash labour security and most of the rights to strike and unionise because he used an "anti-terrorist legislation". The universities and factories have police and military control. The left, the street demonstrations and the unions are under big intimidation. In short, the existence of a diminished guerrilla activity is being used to justify terrible attacks against the workers and poor people under "anti-terrorist" laws. Gonzalo is using the existence of a militarist faction to press Fujimori for more concessions. He is trying to convince the military that if he and his supporters were released he would be capable of ending the war. Gonzalo would not be completely happy if all the military actions would finish because it would mean that he doesn't have anything to use to press and make deals. I am not suggesting than Gonzalo is leading Feliciano's anti-peace agreement faction. Most probably Feliciano and his people have their own independence and their own agenda. I am suggesting that there is some kind of co-habitation and mutual interests. Gonzalo in a way try to take advantage of Felciano's military actions to obtain more concessions. Feliciano doesn't want to break with Gonzalo and to any possibility for a future reconciliation with him. Appendix After I sent the message "The crisis of the PCP-SL" I received two messages sent to the marxist-list which confirms what I said: For "The Red Flag": "The handful of capitulating opportunists in Yanamayo have abandoned the revolutionary struggle and have enlisted themselves in the ranks of the counter-revolution. Now, are Luis Arce Borja and Adolfo Olaechea proposing to defend the black clique in Yanamayo as "political prisoners"? It is clear that international supporters of the People's War should never defend those "historic" revisionists (Osman Morote, Cox, Meche, etc.) who struggle for class treason and capitulation, and oppose the construction of the Conquest of Power nationwide. The "historic" clique of renegades operating from Yanamavo cannot be defended. On the contrary, they must be crushed, as the PCP-Central Committee has clearly indicated in February 1994. In Europe, a follower of the black clique, Javier Esparza "the individual in Sweden," is a close partner of the Yankee revisionist Robert Avakian (RCP-USA) who also imposes a right opportunist line in CORIM. The disagreements and partial split between the Esparza+Avakian group and the LAB+AO gang (because they compete for "recognition" as world "leaders") could end in the WMC, and could lead to a new call for a new "peace accord" in order to "defend the life of prisoners." "The Red Flag" recognized the fact that the majority of the PCP-SL leadership in jail is for a "peace agreement". It is also denouncing the possibility that some leading supporters of the PCP/SL people's war faction in Europe are interested in supporting the liberation of the political prisoners which agree with the peace agreement because they are preparing a new "peace agreement". In fact, it is the line of not breaking openly with Gonzalo which could lead to a new capitulation. "The Red Flag" and "El Diario Internacional", the MIM and the RIM could be involved in a future "peace process". It would not be the first time than Maoism could end making peace deals with their former enemies. In a recent post from Olaechea "El Diario Internacional" recognized that most of the people which defended the PCP-SL abroad are now with the "peace agreement": "It is good to remember that - up until October 1993 - the *most active people in publicising the documents of PCP and in cheer-leading the People's War*, were those who are now working for the "peace agreement" and for the Peruvian regime." Olaechea and Quispe wants to cover the sun with a finger. Why people which led the Gonzalo's party and army and which sacrifice their life could became suddenly "agents" and "spies"? How it is possible that most of the PCP-SL active supporters abroad and that most of the PCP-SL leaders in jail could agree with Gonzalo's peace process if it is not organise by "Chairam Gonzalo" himself? In their incapacity to try to see the reality they create "phantoms". "All is a big plot". "Everybody are spies and agents". The PCP-SL supporters abroad are so disoriented that they don't know what is happening in Peru and instead of using political arguments to deal with their differences, they are accusing each other to be agents, etc. Arce Borja was a very valiant journalist which risk his life for writing every day in favour of the PCP/SL. Olaechea was not the leader of a Soviet in Lima in 1963 but he was an student activist before he travel to London and, despite all his lies, he has the merit of publicly defending the PCP/SL and he can't return to his fatherland. The people which are making the PCP/SL Web page and publishing "The Red Flag" are also very dedicated activists. They are not CIA or Fujimori agents. They are extremely confused fighters. They should stop slandering themselves with all kinds of labels and they need to discuss their real differences in a high political level. For Olaechea everybody which disagree with him is an agent. He sent another message: "The campaign in Peru - sponsored by the CIA and a group of FBI agents in this list - carried out by the Fujimori regime and its National Intelligence Service is also centered in trying to slur the communist credentials of the Chairman of the Communist Party of Peru, taking advantage of the fact that they have him in prison. They too have engineered a plot to undermine the revolution by portraying its leader as a capitulator and collaborator with the pro-imperialist regime which oppresses the Peruvian people.... The Fujimori regime, together with a group of US intelligence operatives, have even mounted a phoney "PCP-Web page".... Now, according to the Fujimori Zoo of "Quispe-Ponce-Chiara-Huillca and Co" Gonzalo THOUGHT has become "separated" from the person of the leader of the Peruvian revolution. When was the last time your thoughts separated from your body Lou? Malecki's did long ago, after the 2023 Lsd overdosis, or thereabouts!" To the credit of Olaechea we have to say that he doesn't need any doses of LSD to write the most incredible nonsense. Quispe is a supporter of the Central Committee of the PCP-SL, Ponce is a not very important Peruvian trotskyist militant and Huillca and Chiara were killed before the "peace agreement". How can they could have a common position on the "peace agreement"? Does he think that Huillca and Chiara spirits are participating in the debate using Quiospe or Ponce as their mediums? We know that he likes Hare Krisna but we didn't know that he liked the witches and the Voodoo. Olaechea and Quispe have a different approach to the Gonzalo betrayal. Quispe and the "Red Flag" are trying to find a way to divorce themselves >from Gonzalo the real person who capitulated to the regime. They are trying to separate the body and the ideas. They would like to condemn the body which capitulated to the regime but not their religious thought. Olaechea is right, it is not possible to separate the body and the ideas. Nevertheless, he simply ignores the reality. For him everything that can not fit in his schemas is a CIA plot and every person in this list who don't agree with him is another fascist CIA agent. Appendix Rolf Martens recently wrote: "Is it true, as Ponce-Rodwell allege, that comrade Gonzalo has capitulated in prison, of his own free will or under the pressure of those conditions under which he has been held captured, the barbarous character of which are known to all? I on my part *cannot know for certain whether this is true or not*. However, these allegations are not based on anything but *rumours* and must be repudiated as such. Those people who're advancing them by no means are to be trusted." [Condemn the vile Ponce-Rodwell campaign against the PCP! Posted: 13.10.96] Is good that Rolf admits his doubts. He think that all is rumours. On the contrary, the information that Gonzalo didn't capitulate is based on rumours. What is the evidence of his capitulation? 1- In the last 3 years Gonzalo appeared several times in TV proposing the "peace agreement". It was his voice and his face. 2- In the last 3 years tens of pictures were taken with Gonzalo in jail with all the supporters of the "Peace agreement". 3- In the last 3 years several of Gonzalo's pro-peace agreement handwritings were circulated. 4- The people which Gonzalo must trust in Europe received phone calls from him. After them they became convinced that Gonzalo was in favour of the "peace agreement". Gonzalo's relatives abroad and the majority of the pro-PCP-SL forces in Europe are today advocating a peace agreement. 5- ALL the members of the PCP-SL's Central Committee and Regional Committees which are in jail and in contact with Gonzalo are advocating the peace agreement. Crespo, Gonzalo's lawyer in his trial, declared on TV from the jail that he agrees with the peace agreement. 6- In the last 3 years Gonzalo received the visit of many people (including the Red Cross and some Human Right delegations). None of them said that Gonzalo is against the peace process. On the contrary, they confirmed that position. 7- Nearly all the thousands of PCP-SL prisoners are for the "peace agreement". 8- The possibility that Gonzalo was under drugs or that all of this is a big farce is completely rejected by the reality. The MRTA, the other armed movement in Peru, is against the "peace process" despite that nearly all its leaders are in jail and Fujimori *until now* was incapable of pressuring them to capitulate in the way Gonzalo did. 9- If Fujimori would like to make a farce, why not with the MRTA? Why not any single voice in the opposition denounced the "peace agreement" as a farce? For all the oppositionist media and for all the left it is 100% sure that Gonzalo's raprochment with Fujimori is complete truth. Only a few fanatics want to ignore the reality! 10- The PCP-SL is based on a cult of a semi-god. Do you think it is possible that all the leaders and prisoners which risk their life and which made very valiant actions in the past could change to a peace agreement without the explicit order of the great chairman? 11- Who are the people which are telling lies about Gonzalo? If you read several messages in this week you can see which kind of moral authority have people which wrote that they led an non existent Soviet in Lima (1963), that the working class doesn't exist in Peru and that all their organisations are fascist, etc. 12- This is not the first time that Maoists and Stalinists did that. Stalin massacred Spanish revolutionaries with the aim to have a deal with imperialism. Stalin invaded Poland in alliance with Hitler. Stalin sabotaged the French and Italian post-war revolution and he supported the reconstruction of western capitalist democracies. Mao supported the repression of the Sri Lanka rebels, pro-imperialist reactionary movements in Sudan and Angola, etc. Mao had diplomatic relations with Pinochet when all the "socialist" countries broke relations with Chile. Mao made a "peace agreement" with Nixon and Kissinger. Rolf said: "I on my part have been criticising, since mid-September, some of those comrades who're supporting the PCP, namely those who initiated the call for the WMC, which received the endorsement of a number of organizations and also some individuals including myself, but then went ahead and constituted such a "WMC" practically all by themselves without consulting all those other endorsers, and who also undertook some actions in the direction of deceiving the masses on how this "WMC" had been constituted. These were *actions in flagrant disregard of international proletarian democracy*." Rolf has to understand that the actions against proletarian democracy are the essence of the PCP-SL and mao-stalinism. Every person which disagrees with the PCP-SL is characterised as a CIA agent or fascist. You saw that in all the debate! Members of all the significative left currents in Peru have been physically attacked by the PCP-SL. Inside the PCP-SL there is no kind of internal democracy. If the leaders don't want to listen to criticisms they accuse that person as an agent and expel or kill him, if he doesn't decide to capitulate to the apparatus. Last point. Rolf criticised the lack of proletarian democracy of the WMC-El Diario grouping. Nevertheless, he is repeating the same kind of accusations without proofs. If he wants to break with those methods and if he is in favour of proletarian democracy he has to discuss with political ARGUMENTS against his opponents. He should not write things like this: "I hold that all fair-minded persons must agree: These writings very much look like something manipulated by the CIA or a similar intelligence organ of the US imperialists, a CONTINUATION, in fact, of their old AVAKIAN-"QUISPE" SUBVERSION MANOUEVRE. That's their real political content and role. " J. Ponce -------------------------------------------------------- Read the book! Ha Ha Ha McNamara, Vietnam-My Bellybutton is my Crystalball! COCKROACH, a zine for poor and workingclass people NOW ON LINE -------------------------------------------------------- --- from list ---
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