Date: Sun, 22 Dec 1996 10:42:54 +0100 (MET) Subject: M-G: COCKROACH! #26 (Mindanao + Peru) COCKROACH! #26 (Mindanao + Peru) A EZINE FOR POOR AND WORKING CLASS PEOPLE. WE HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE BUT OUR CHAINS. It is time that the poor and working class people have a voice on the Internet. Contributions can be sent to <> Subscribtions are free at <> How often this zine will appear depends on you! ---------------------------------------------------- 1. Mindanao 2. Peru-Imperialism,MRTA, and the hostages! (Declaration) ----------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- Mindanao Reynaldo writes; >There are two revolutions going on in the Philippines: one is being >waged and led by the Communist Party of the Philippines together with its >National Democratic Front; and, the other is waged by the Moro National >Democratic Front. Actually this is a very interesting document and should be studied very closely by those who are interested in world revolution. Unfortunately the document quite clearly shows the complete bankruptcy of the Stalinist Phillipine CP and shows completely how incapable with their politics that the Phillipine CP will ever be leading a revolution and especially a working class revolution. Reynaldo starts off with a completely ridiculous statement that there are two revolutions going on in the Phillipines. What is really going on is that there is a tradition Stalinist CP with the democratic stage theory of revolution and a more maoist and Islamic orientated party with fundementally the same political line running and operation on Mindano. The only real difference is the one party,s orientation to Islam and pick up the gun rhetoric. Both organisations have in fact the same stratigical orientation of a "democratic" revolution meaning the classical popular front politics and making a deal with the bougeoisie being the bottom line. Although they may differ on which wing of the bougeoisie to make the deal with! > >The Communist Party wages a social revolution on the national level, >struggling against feudalism, imperialism, and bureaucrat capitalism. It >calls for the transitional national democratic state which will lead to >the establishment of a socialist state and eventually to a communist >society. That the CP is waging a "social" revolution and calling for a "transitional democratic state" is the tune of these traditional Stalinists. However in the era of imperialism and the links that the imperialists have with the National bougeoisie make this kind of idea a reactionary utopia. The only thing this kind of political line can bring forth is a new blood bath for the poor and working class if they were to follow this line to its logical conclusion like they did in Indonesia a few decades ago. There the CP was also calling for a national democratic state and look how it ended up! > >The Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) changes its tactics and >concels its strategy. Hence, in one point in time, it called for >secession (total separation from the Philippine state), at other times, >it calls for autonomy, etc., etc. Then, it was split into many camps, >like the original MNLF, Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF), and later >into subsplits depending on the leaders, such as MILF-Salamat, >MILF-Narra. Some have opted early on to join the Aquino government; >others continued their revolution. But now, Nur Misuari, the leader of >the MNLF decided to join the folds of President Ramos. There are many >reasons for that. Exactly the same line that the CP has. Making a deal on one hand or seccession in and attempt to either make a deal with the Phillipine bougeoisie or to create a split of the bougeoisie and seperation. Nothing about independant poor and working class politics here. However there appears to be a new factor of religion and capitulation to Islamic fundementalism on the part of this party plus perhaps a little more pick up the gun rhetoric from the fundementalist Islamic right wing however the bottom line is the same..Making a deal with bougeois forces against the poor and working class. The rest of the document is a polemic mostly against the CP's political opponents on Mindano who they certainly would like to bring into the fold od their kind of National Democratic Revolution. However for Trotskyists it is only by building a Communist party of the Bolshevik Leninist model as a future section in a Revolutionary Communist International that can show the way forward. The very basic political line is the complete independence of the proletariat from all bougeois forces on a program of struggle to set up not a "democratic" state but a dictatorship of the Proletariat in opposition to the National Bougeoisie and imperialism. The only road forward for young militants in the CP or the maoist organisations is to break with these parties and there fundemental counter-revolutionary line of popular front politics and a National democratic revolution. It is a road to new bloodbaths and betrayal. Bob Malecki > >One, President Ramos is campaigning for "peace" with the communist and >Moslem rebels. Two, Ramos campaigned before the Organization of Islamic >Conference to recognize his government and to pressure the MNLF. Three, >the Organization of Islamic Conference in turn (which funds the MNLF >through indiviudal member states) pressures MNLF to seek some kind of >peace with Ramos. Four, the MNLF is not militarily very strong now >relative to the Marcos years. Five, there have been many comrades have >left the MNLF. Six, Nur Misuari is not getting any younger. Seven, some >former "Marxists" who advise the Ramos government have floated the idea >to Ramos to offer a slot in the administration political party to ensure >that the MNLF will cooperate in the "peace" settlement. It's really >quite complicated. > >However, not all elements of the MNLF are happy with the reformist path >Nur Misuari has taken. So, there is a rise of "militant" Moslems who >will continue the fight, but this time like the conservative >"integristes" of Algeria or Egypt who want to keep Islam "pure". > >Some right-wing Christians are arming themselves and organizing >themselves against the peace process as they see Moslems as ignorant and >a threat and therefore they should have no place in governance. The >situation in southern Philippines therefore is not in fact very >peaceful. The conservatives in the church are intolerant of Moslems. > > > >Reynaldo >Philippines Reynaldo writes; >Only a metaphysical ahistorical idealist will insist that the >bourgeoisie, democracy, and Stalinism are completely bankrupt, etc., >etc. My statement does not talk about class collaboration with the >bourgeoisie nor with Stalinism. Don't put words into my mouth, please. Oh really! Obviously Reynaldo has missed all of the historical defeats imposed on the working class and the responibility of the Stalinist political line for these defeats. And as far as putting words in Reynaldo's mouth I suggest that they read Reynaldos reply on these pages about the great work the CP is doing. It starts off like this; >We are waging our social revolution in the Philippines with the masses of >the workers, peasants, fisherfolk, indigenous peoples, women, students, >youth, teachers, radical social ecologists, anti-imperialist >consumerists, priests, nuns, pastors, public vehicle drivers, gays and >lesbians at its base. >Marx dialectically talked about democracy and capitalism as historically >progressive at one point in time and creates its own fetters and become >reactionary in a later point in time. He did not absolutely and >metaphysically say that they are immutably and universally bad. Engels >depicted the progressive development of the historical modes of >production in his Origins of the State.. Marx certainly did talk about "democracy and capitalism" as being progressive, but that was in regards to the preceeding societies led by the monarchies and war lords of a previous historical period.. > >Lenin in his polemics with Kautsky, Bernstein, et. al. likewise stated >that socialist, proletarian or workers' democracy is the substance of the >dictatorship of the proletariat. He said that those people (like Kautsky >and the self-professed Malecki now) who talk of democracy as the opposite >of the dictatorship of the proletariat do not know the essence of the >Materialist Conception of History of Marx. Democracy and Dictatorship >are dialectically linked one to the other. Lenin also talked about Imperialism being the highest stage of capitalism and the neccessity of replacing this system with proletarian dictatorships evberywhere. This was Lenin's contribution to the earlier Marx writtings. But the whole history of the Bolshevik party and the creation of the Third International confirms the line of proletarian revolutions and not popular democratic revolutions as the Stalinists do in distorting Lenin in order to carry out their fundemental counter-revolutionary line. > >The same with the bourgeoisie: there are progressive segments of the >bourgeoisie which are anti-imperialist, anti-feudal and anti-bureaucrat >capitalist: they are to be found in the petty bourgeoisie and the >national bourgeoisie at THIS STAGE of the development of Philippine >society. The class enemies of the working people are the comprador >bourgeoisie who are in alliance with imperialism and who have been >transformed from the class of the feudal lords. Only a metaphysical, >ahistorical, and idealist can abstractly talk about the bourgeoisie as >composing one solid or monolithic class in a semi-feudal, semi-colonial >economy and society like the Philippines. Enough with the imposing >haughtiness of a foreign, "internalionalist" Trotskyist talking down to >the revolutionaries of the underdeveloped areas. This is the Stalinist ideal in a nutshell. It has nothing to do with Lenism or Trotskyism. But a lot to do with the line of building socialism in one country and betraying the International Proletariat in just about every revolutionary uppsurge in the world since the workers rebellion in Shang Hai and the Spanish revolution. People should also notice the fundemental anti-Internationalist line of Reynaldo. And his poor little thurd world and Trotskyists from the outside "talking down" to revolutionaries of the under developed areas. In fact I am not putting anybody down except the fundemental bankrupt and counter revolutionary political line of the Stalinists who would build and alliance with anybody including the church, instead of fighting for proletarian independence and seeing the working class as the ONLY revolutionary motor in the Phillipines today. > >Bob, you speak badly of the bourgeoisie. I wonder if you are a factory >worker. I wonder why you even take part in the discourse here if you >have so much disdain for the bourgeoisie. After all, most of the >discourse in the email here are from bourgeois elements. Why then even >have this class alliance (that you dislike about the peasant-worker >alliance in the Philippines as led by the Communist Party of the >Philippines)? Yes! I speak "badly" about the bougeoisie. They are the poor and working classes deadly enemies! Unlike the Stalinists who are prepared to block with the bougeoisie against the working class. And as far as the petty bougeois components on this list there is a contradiction. Some of these petty bougeois intellectuals can be won to a Bolshevik Lenist line and others who are intellectuals are Bolshevik Leninists. Intelectuall Bolshevik Leninists are certainly going to play a key role in forming a vanguard party, but it will be the workers vanguard that must translate this into a political reality in the working class. > >We are waging our social revolution in the Philippines with the masses of >the workers, peasants, fisherfolk, indigenous peoples, women, students, >youth, teachers, radical social ecologists, anti-imperialist >consumerists, priests, nuns, pastors, public vehicle drivers, gays and >lesbians at its base. You talk about revolution -- but how can you >convince the world about your international revolution led by a Communist >International with a strategy when it is all words and you look down on >the actual day-to-day sacrifices and deaths we encounter in the >revolutionary struggle in the Philippines? Revolutions must have a >social national base before there can be any internationalism. Again, it >is a mistake to pit national struggle against internationalism. One goes >with the other. International revolution can only be a reality where >there are national revolutions everywhere. Not just empty talk of >internationalism with no mass base at all. Here is a whole paragraph about who the Stalinists see as there potential allies in a coming "social" revolution. However for Bolshevik Leninists it will be the vanguard party and its program that stands at the head of the Proletariat that can garantee a victory! The Stalinist alliances with just about everything that moves has been tried time and time again and led to blood bath after bool bath from the Chinese revolution to events in Indonesia where the Stalinists were responsible for the slaughter of thousands and thousands of both workers, peasants and potential Communist militants. Such great social revolutions led by the Stalinists we have had enough of! > >Lenin spoke of the anti-imperialist revolution in the Philippines versus >the U.S. The Communist Party of the Philippines continues this >revolution cited by Lenin in his work, IMPERIALISM: THE HIGHEST STAGE OF >CAPITALISM. As if nothing has happened in the Phillipines since Lenin wrote this work! What a joke Reynaldo. > >We can talk and talk and talk forever. But so what? We don't change the >world by just mouthing revolution. You keep on agreeing that we must >wage an international revolution. But I don't see it, Malecki! And you >condemn the Philippine revolution where tens of thousands of comrades >were tortured, hundreds of villages bombed, hundreds of thousands of >peasant villagers are internal refugees. And you condemn the Communist >Party of the Philippines while you do nothing but talk. I just don't get >it. Start your ACTUAL, REAL international revolution and maybe, just >maybe, I will consider believing in you. I do not condemn the Phillipine revolution but the counter rtevolutionary politics of the Stalinists who time and again have led the working class and peasantry to defeat after defeat. In fact the sacrifice was to Stalin and his theory of building socialism in one country that he sacrificed the Phillipine revolution and many other revolutions by tying the CPs to the politics of the stage theory of revolution and popular front politics. This is the real crime of the Stalinists. And you appear to want to continue the politics of the Stalinists to new historical defeats and blood baths. Only bu breaking with the fundemental conter-revolutionary line of the Stalinists and returning to the Bolshevik Leninist and Trotskyist line can a new Revolutionary International be forged. Otherwise we are in for a new round of historical defeats led by the neo-Stalinist parties of the post Stalin era. Stalinism is dead! Let's bury it! Bob Malecki ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Peru-Imperialism,MRTA, and the hostages!(Declaration) It is very interesting for poor and working class people to observe the spectacular occupation of the Japanese Embassy in Peru by the MRTA, the reactions to this occupation by the imperialists and the hostage question! In that the MRTA did not occupy and airplane or a train station with hundreds of hostages of normal people. But took 4 or 5 hundred darlings of the diplomatic corps, includind a bunch of "military attachees" (in reality spies) and a bunch of high placed business executives- we see that the normal reaction of imperialism of "No compromise with terrorism" and "we are preparing and anti-terrorist army to storm the building" have completely disappeared! Instead we hear the imperialist spokesman talking about a peaceful solution to the "crisis". How quaint that imperialism defends these hostages and darlings of their own class rule! If it had been poor and working class people who were held hostage then we would have seen a storming of the building and the possibility of a blood bath for innocent civilians to show the world that terrorism must be met with superior force. However, Fujimora just might storm the embassy despite the "peaceful solutions" tone coming from the imperialists. Fujimora might decide that the Peruvian foreign minister is worth the price of a bloody storming. So the struggle against terrorism in reality depends on *who* is held hostage-Joe Blow poor and working class people or the darlings of the imperialist powers. Poor and working class people should have NO TEARS for these so called "innocent hostages" who in fgact are part and pack in giving money and political support to the Fujimora regime which has so much blood of poor and working class people in Peru on their hands! And if any blood is shed it is entirely because of the bloody regime that Fujimora represents and which drives militants to these kind of heroric suicidal actions. At the same time we should support the just demands of the MRTA of releasing the political prisoners held in concentration like camps and live daily with torture and murder of opponents to this regime led by Fujimora and backed up by the military. At the same time we should say to the people in MRTA that their adventurist actions of guerilla warfare and small groups of dedicated people with arms in hand taking on alone the military dictatorship of the Fujimora regime are completely bankrupted! Only by arming the Peruvian working class and perasantry both politically and with guns and setting up a real workers and peasants goverment can sweep away this rotten regime including the darlings (hostages) that are presently being held. We should defend these militants despite their adventurist actions against the Peruvian regime. While at the same time condemning them for political bankruptcy. We do not need isolated groups of heroes who attack ambassies and take hostages. We need professional revolutionaries who can mobilize the working class and peasants who have the social power to sweep the Fujimora garbage on to the dustbin of history! And we should no the deference between the MRTA which gets its inspiration >from the Cuban revolution and the terrorism that evolves out of Islamic fundementalism which wants to take society back to the middle ages! We need Communist Bolshevik organosations thoughout Latin America that can link the struggles to a continental and world movement. Victory for the MRTA militants and their just demands! Meet the demands of the MRTA! Free all militants from the Fujimora concentration camps! No political support to MRTA's petty bougeois adventurism! Defend the MRTA from Fujimora and imperialist attack! Warm Regards Bob Malecki ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- Read the book! Ha Ha Ha McNamara, Vietnam-My Bellybutton is my Crystalball! 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