File spoon-archives/marxism-general.archive/marxism-general_1996/96-12-23.081, message 40

Date: Sun, 22 Dec 1996 23:56:07 +0100 (MET)

Detcom: "Welcome to the Marxism General list, predicted by some "big 
thinkers" of the M-I to be a living hell-hole where only raving lunatics 
would hang out. Actually it has turned out to be a saner place that the M-I 
list. [snip] But "generally" this list has been less sexist, more 
international, more proletarian and more friendly place."

Detcom three days later in reply to Bob Malecki: "Who is the "We" you refer 
to, Malecki?  Who is there but yourself? You don't even have your pig or 
donkeys for comrades anymore. Has the M-I list designated you as their 
spokesperson?  I don't answer to SCUM OF THE EARTH as yourself, Malecki. You 
are listed in my book as one that co-operated with the FBI, leading them to 
the dynamite and spilling the beans. You've never made self-criticism for 
these things, and I highly despise you, who are you to demand anything from 
anyone, mr. slime-pie?"


Stuart Sheild

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