File spoon-archives/marxism-general.archive/marxism-general_1996/96-12-23.081, message 43

Date: Sun, 22 Dec 1996 21:58:17 +0000
Subject: M-G: PERU: The Journeys of Peace


"They are reactionary monstrosities that only seek to sow submission
among the masses."
                                    President Gonzalo.

>From the APRA regime (1985-1990) to the present, various institutions,
imperialist-funded non- governmental organizations (NGOs), church
officials, reactionary political parties and revisionists, endorsed by
each regime in place, collude with each other to organize the
so-called "Journeys for  Peace." These events have as their sole
objective to sow submission among the masses, to oppose and neutralize
their active support to the struggle being waged today by the Peruvian
people for their emancipation. However, in a country where  hunger and
misery is rampant and in which more than 80,000 children die from
malnutrition each year, that "peace" preached by the reactionaries and
revisionists of every shade, is nothing more than the Peace of the

While these hypocrites march "for peace" protected by the military on
the streets of wealthy neighborhoods in Lima,  in the shantytowns and
countryside the Fujimori regime has been perpetrating the most vile
genocides against the working class, peasants and progressives. In the
city we see daily the persecution, the disappearance and murder of
workers and students who struggle against this system of oppression
and exploitation. And to contain the righteous rebellion of the
masses, the reactionaries continue promoting their "minute of silence
for peace," as a weapon to fool the people. This charade was first
instituted by the murderous regime of Garcia Perez and his Lima Mayor
Alfonso Barrantes Lingan (United Left) in the 1980s, and under
Fujimori these events  have been intensified thanks to imperialist
financial grants and manipulation by the Intelligence Services
(SIN/CIA), seeking to lull the masses into a deep sleep, vainly trying
to crush their participation in the glorious People's War.

The "marches for peace" are sometimes disguised as "cultural events"
with rock bands and other entertainment; this was the case of  the
events in Miraflores, at the National Engineering University (UNI), an
in the Crillon Hotel, organized by the NGO "CEPAZ". It was also seen
in the meeting of Iberoamerican mayors at the San Agustin school,
where they agreed to "work in favor of peace" and in a "journey for
peace", etc. 

In the event at the Saint Agustin school, the attendance was limited
mainly to students of the religious schools, and priests and nuns from
all over the country brought in by their church authorities. The event
at the Crillon Hotel, organized under the sanctimonious title
"affirmation of life" and a so-called "homage to the heroes of the
peop1e," was clear proof of the collusion between revisionism and the
government; here also only a handful showed up.  

There was one event in the poor district of Villa El Salvador, when
the regime advertised on TV and radio the distribution of food
handouts donated by imperialism, to those who participate in the
march. But it was remarkable that despite the anxious call for the
masses to participate, their absence was noteworthy, showing once more
their repudiation of this reactionary trick. 

In each "march for peace" the participation of the big bourgeoisie
represented by its political parties, the upper hierarchy of the
religious institutions and the assorted gang of revisionists, implore
to the four winds for violence to cease, so as to opt for "peace,"
thus keeping the old rotten State as is. Members of the police offer
security around the clock to the facilities where the events take
place, while inside heavily armed military in civilian clothes and
private security  persons equipped with walkie-talkies control the
public there present, who at entrance have to endure an offensive body
search to be allowed in. Why so much fear of the masses?

Once inside, the collusion among the ruling class is obvious:
representatives of the church, parliamentarians, government
functionaries, leaders of revisionist and opportunist political
parties, and discredited bosses of  labor unions are announced loudly
with gongs and platters. The Church hierarchy, reaction, and the
bloody military brass, all together in their campaign for "peace of 
the cemeteries," and still repudiated by the masses!. 

All the hullabaloo about "peace" and "human rights" spread out by
revisionists seeks to confuse and divide the masses in order to
satisfy their electoral appetites and sustain the obsolete order.  It
only serves reaction and imperialism. 

Today, the same sinister forces mentioned above are being organized
again by the regime. A handful of reactionaries are  gathering in
front of  the Japanese Embassy which was taken over by the "dialogue
seeker" revisionist group MRTA. These gatherings are mainly for the
TV, to make believe the misinformed that the Peruvian people repudiate
the seizure of the Embassy. The true is that this blow against this
imperialist nest was celebrated not only in Peru but the people's of
the world. What the peruvian people is concerned about are the
limitations of the armed revisionist MRTA that seek conciliation and
capitulation after having in their hands the worst enemies of the
Peruvian people.

Victory to the People's War in Peru!
Long Live Maoism, Down with Revisionism!

Published by The New Flag, 30-08 Broadway, Suite 159
Queens, NY 11106, USA
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