File spoon-archives/marxism-general.archive/marxism-general_1996/96-12-23.081, message 44

Date: Sun, 22 Dec 1996 22:04:56 +0000
Subject: M-G: PERU: Defend the Life of President Gonzalo!

                                 PRISONERS IN PERU.

Athens, Greece.

To the Greek People and the International Public Opinion,

Since September 12, 1992, when the leader of the Communist Party of
Peru (PCP) and the People's War was captured in combat, he is now sick
and buried in an underground cell in complete isolation from the world
and confined to an inhuman incarceration. At the same time, thousands
of political prisoners and prisoners of war are being slowly
annihilated without food and health care in blatant violation of basic
international law.  The violations of human rights in Peru continues
unabated: disappearances are frequent, massive number of tortures and
rapes of poor people by the army are taking place in the shantytowns
and countryside. All of these crimes are taking place daily by the
regime's dictatorial orders.

All people of good will in the world, especially us, Greeks, with the
experience we had with the military dictatorship in our country from
1967 to 1974, should raise our voices and demand an immediate stop to
the barbaric incarceration of President Gonzalo. We demand that the
Peruvian dictatorship of Fujimori treat political prisoners and
prisoners of war in accordance with international agreement on human
rights and respect for the democratic rights and freedom of the
Peruvian people who are undergoing torture.

June 21st, 1996

Signature of Mikis Theodorakis.
[Editor's Note. Note. M. Theodorakis is the best composer of music in
Greece and one of the best in the world. His major presentation in the
United States was at the Carnegie Hall in New York City on May 5th
1994. His concern for the oppressed in Peru is admirable.]

Al pueblo Griego y la Comunidad Internacional,

Desde Setiembre 12, 1992, fecha de la captura en combate del lider del
PCP y la Guerra Popular, el se encuentra enfermo en una celda
subterranea, completamente aislado del mundo en la mas cruel e
inhumana condicion. Lo mismo ocurre con miles de prisioneros politicos
que estan siendo aniquilados poco a poco en las prisiones con una
escasa alimentacion y sin tratamiento medico en violacion de las mas
basicos requirimientos de la ley internacional y los tratados de
derechos humanos.
     Las violaciones de los derechos humanos en el Peru continuan. Las
     desapariciones de personas are frequentes; las torturas y las
     violaciones sexuales son masivas en los pueblos jovenes y en el
     campo. Estos crimenes ocurren a diario por ordenes de la

    Todas las personas concientes de esta situacion en el mundo, en
    especial nosotros los griegos, que hemos experimentado la
    dictadura militar del 67 al 74 en neustro pais, debemos levantar
    nuestra voz de protesta por la encarcelacion barbarica del
    President Gonzalo. Por ultimo, demandamos a la dictadura criminal
    de Fujimori tratar a los presos politicos y prisioneros de guerra
    de acuerdo a los requerimientos basicos de la ley internacional y
    los tratados de derechos humanos, al igual el respeto de las
    derechos democraticos del pueblo peruano.

Atenas, Junio 1996.

Published by The New Flag
30-08 Broadway, Suite 159
Queens, NY 11106, USA.
Read the PCP Web page:

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