File spoon-archives/marxism-general.archive/marxism-general_1996/96-12-23.081, message 46

Date: Mon, 23 Dec 1996 07:35:33 +0100 (MET)
Subject: Re: M-G: Re: M-I: MRTA Has History Of High-Profile Attacks

Karl wrote;
>It is also used by the ruling class to promote the alienation of the
>masses from revolutionary politics since the latter is falsely
>identified by the bourgoeis propaganda machinery with this kind of
>reactionary terrorism. The ostensibly horrific character of such
>events provides powerful images for the bourgeois visual media to
>exploit in such a way as to rally the masses around the ruling
>class and thereby sustain the political disarmament of the working

Karl, half the peole in the world do not have access to a TV and more then 
half can't read! So you are playing a false tone on your banjo. Yes, the 
actions of these militants is adventurist, but the point is when push comes 
to shove is that Communists defend these people against the Fujimora regime 
and imperialism! They do not try to use "Marxism" in a backhanded way to 
join in with the bougeois propaganda apparatus as you do. But at the same 
time we point out that their tactics are adventurists ad in the final 
analisis won't help make a working class revolution.

In fact after you answer to Vlad on this stuff I have a direct question to 
you. Do you defend me against the American government for my actions against 
the war? Do you defend the MRTA against the Fujimora dictatorship and 
imperialism. Yes or No!

I think that you are using a form of "marxist" critique as an act of 
political cowardness.

Bob Malecki


Read the book! Ha Ha Ha McNamara,
Vietnam-My Bellybutton is my Crystalball!

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Read the book! Ha Ha Ha McNamara,
Vietnam-My Bellybutton is my Crystalball!

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