File spoon-archives/marxism-general.archive/marxism-general_1996/96-12-23.081, message 6

Date: Thu, 19 Dec 1996 07:40:20 +0100 (MET)
Subject: M-G: Bougainville Update 19/12/96

>From: "Vikki John" <>
>Organization:  Faculty Of Law, Uni. Of Tech., Syd.
>Date:          Thu, 19 Dec 1996 09:54:11 GMT-1000
>Subject:       Bougainville Update 19/12/96
>X-Pmrqc:       1
>Priority: urgent
>Bougainville Freedom Movement - Press Release 19 December, 1996
>PROTEST on Thursday 19 December, 1996 at 12.30pm at the
>Papua New Guinea Consulate, 100 Clarence Street, Sydney
>The Papua New Guinea Defence Forces (PNGDF) and their Resistance allies
> have embarked into a new spate of horrendous massacres on innocent civilians,
> men, women and children in South and Southwest Bougainville.
>The Papua New Guinea government has consistently failed to respond
> adequately to killings, disappearances and torture by its (PNGDF) forces 
> the eight (8) years of war on Bougainville.  Amnesty International, 
> organisations and the media have been barred from Bougainville.  
>The PNG Government and Army have prevented them from verifying these
> incidents as independent observers.
>Several wounded survivors now in hospital in Honiara, Solomon Islands have
> described how mortar bombs were deliberately fired at their village chapel 
> celebrating mass at 7.00am on 28/11/96.  The congregation suffered horrific
> injuries and nine people including children were killed in this incident.  
>Papua New Guinea Army and Government are denying that they mortar bombed
> the church.  This continual denial resembles the PNG employed tactics in the
> murder of the late Premier of Bougainville, Mr Theodore Miriung, on 
>12 October, 1996.  In November, a former Judge from Sri Lanka was sent to
> Papua New Guinea for the coronial inquest by the Commonwealth Secretariat 
>and found that seven (7) PNG soldiers with the assistance of two (2) of their 
>Resistance allies carried out the assassination of Theodore Miriung.
>Brigadier General Jerry Singirok has charges pending for allegedly ordering 
> incursions into Solomon Island waters and allegedly threatening to disrupt 
>normal military practices when he was commanding officer on Bougainville in 
>1994.  These incursions by the PNGDF are still continuing today into the 
>Solomon Islands.
>We are calling for:
>1)  the lifting of the illegal and inhuman blockade on Bougainville.
>2)  the urgent intervention of the International Committee of the Red Cross
> (ICRC) and international human rights groups such as Amnesty International,
> etc. to enter into Bougainville. 
>3)  the withdrawal of Papua New Guinea forces from Bougainville.
>4)  the self determination for the people of Bougainville.    
>For further information please contact:
>Bougainville Freedom Movement Tel: 61-2-95582730
>Bougainville Interim Government  Tel/Fax: 61-2-98047632
>Max Watts, Journalist specialising in Bougainville, East Timor &
> West Papua issues  Tel/Fax: 61-2-98182343

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