File spoon-archives/marxism-general.archive/marxism-general_1997/97-01-04.073, message 1

Date: Tue, 31 Dec 1996 18:58:01 +0000

Robert Malecki wrote:
> For example this incident should not mean a general attack on sexual rights
> between consenting adults who can decide for themselves who and what sex
> they want to live with. It should be not used as and attack on the right to
> abortion. It should not be used in the present wave and general attack
> internationally by the christian fundementalists who want to take sexual
> liberation back to the middle ages and "iron chasity belts".
> As Communists, as workers we are for the complete freedom of these kind of
> activities between consenting adults, including homosexual, by sexual or
> lesbian marriages. We are for a real pedological and free sexual education
> plan for all children in school starting in the 4th or 5th grade like in
> Scandinavia for example.

> No to reactionary sex legislation of any kind because of this present incident.

In echoing Bob's comments so far, I want to add a reference that some of you may 
remember from the old 'marxism' list (am I allowed to mention that in here?). The RCP 
in England, claiming to be far more radical and left-wing than those of us who fight 
for sexual liberation as per the above, call safe sex a 'bourgeois plot', and 
propagandise against AIDS education on the grounds that the disease is a myth. Their 
line leads them logically to be opposed to contraception, and hence allied to the 
most right-wing moralists among the bourgoisie.

Bob continues:

> Is the silence about this on the list a sign of cowardness? Or that marxist
> and especially communist have nothing to say on the issue, or is everybody
> on the list all of a sudden got religous?

Speaking for myself, the silence is a result of ignorance: the media in the UK have 
explained the Belgian situation purely in terms of a judge being sacked for an 
unknown reason, whom "the people" wish to be re-instated. If Bob, or anyone else, has 
the facts of the case, I'd be grateful for a clear resume.

Comradely greetings,


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