File spoon-archives/marxism-general.archive/marxism-general_1997/97-01-04.073, message 12

Date: Wed, 1 Jan 1997 09:33:16 +0100 (MET)

Nick writes;
>Speaking for myself, the silence is a result of ignorance: the media in the 
UK have 
>explained the Belgian situation purely in terms of a judge being sacked for an 
>unknown reason, whom "the people" wish to be re-instated. If Bob, or anyone 
else, has 
>the facts of the case, I'd be grateful for a clear resume.

Nick, Actually the stuff about Belgium is still making some waves here in 
Sweden. Although it hardly has the enormity as when the "White" 
demonstrations were taking place. Here in Sweden the political message was 
in fact much more in relation to the sex question politically. Thus the call 
for bans of Porno, making pedofils be registered, making customers to 
prostitutes guilty of a crime, and naturally sex and the Internet and the so 
called "sex turism". In fact it got so bad here that men who work in daycare 
centers for children were being accused of being Pedofils! And a Santa Claus 
just recently would not have children on his knee because of being afraid of 
getting labweled by somebody! Naturally this is a country of the Lutheran 
church also!

But this is not the stuff of the maoist group which i answered here 
yesterday and which i think is despicable bougeois anti-sex moralism.And 
coming from people who claim to be "marxists" should be condemned!But the 
feminists lobby,
and the anti crime lobby and the lobby around cleaning up the net. So 
naturally Belgium is very important in regards to real politics around the 
sex question.

In England for example (I,m not their) I would think that they would use 
this kind of stuff to push this question in putting sex back into the middle 
ages just as they partially try and tried to do with the AIDS stuff. 

So naturally Communists should keep and I on this stuff and speakout very 
clearly when neccessary.

Bob Malecki

Read the book! Ha Ha Ha McNamara,
Vietnam-My Bellybutton is my Crystalball!

COCKROACH, a zine for poor and workingclass people

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