File spoon-archives/marxism-general.archive/marxism-general_1997/97-01-12.050, message 19

Date: Tue, 7 Jan 1997 09:23:01 +0100 (MET)
Subject: Re: M-G: The Problem of Limited Solidarity

>Yoshie Furuhashi wrote:
>>                                  I would very much like to know what
>> exactly people on this list are doing to overcome racism/sexism/etc. and to
>> advance the workers' struggles. (Other than teaching at some college,
>> publishing a tiny-circulation journal, and sending e-mail, that is.) I am
>> rather new to this list, so I may be mistaken, but on this list it appears
>> that people seldom discuss concrete actions. I don't say this to be
>> anti-theoretical, but most folks seem to use only concrete struggles of
>> *other people* to advance their theory. Or maybe they are actually engaged
>> in some concrete organizing activities but just don't discuss them on this
>> list?
>I'd go further - I suggest a form of self-moderation. No-one should spend 
more time 
>reading/writing mail to the M-G or M-I lists each day than they have 
already spent in 
>practical activity. So if you've not been on a picket, or written a 
leaflet, or sold a 
>newspaper yet today, log off and do some work.
>You'll feel better for having been constructive, and the list might improve 
it's signal 
>to noise ratio, too.

Bullshit Nick!  I do what I can best in the struggle at present. Thus it is 
a combination of trade unionwork, demonstrating and communicating. And in 
fact Internet is a forum which opens up to us a much larger audience then we 
have ever had before! The only noise ratio here is how small minded you are 
and seeing these lists as some sort of personal discussion group where 
people can become chummy. In fact it is a forum for ideas and ideologies to 
clash. Why do you think the media pumps out all that garbage in millions 
upon millions of bougios journalist rags around the world. Yes, because they 
want the noise ratio to be in their favor all the time. Historically it has 
been quite expensive to control the media but Internet has in a sense 
changed that in the fact that just about anybody who can get hooked up can 
say exactly what he wants to say. We should want more people on line and 
especially more poor and working class people! Not less noise but mor noise. 
Noise about our ideas and theories and not the typical run of the mill shit 
that the bougeois media pumps out everywhere and everyday.

This tendency to whine about this stuff is in fact an attempt by a number of 
people to put their personal wishes around cross-posting and noise on a 
couple of lists before the enormous possibilties this forum can be used for 
by communists and Socialists.

I oppose this small kind of shit on principle. So stop whining if the noise 
is to much that go to alt. body lovers or something. 

Thing Big!

Let us turn Internet into a forum to reach millions upon million of people 
with our ideas!

Bob Malecki

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