File spoon-archives/marxism-general.archive/marxism-general_1997/97-01-12.050, message 43

Date: Wed, 08 Jan 1997 06:21:20 -0600
Subject: M-G: Labor's Online Bookstore (fwd)

>Return-Path: <owner-labor-l-AT-YORKU.CA>
>Date:         Wed, 8 Jan 1997 12:45:06 -0800
>Reply-To: ericlee-AT-USA.NET
>Sender: Forum on Labor in the Global Economy <LABOR-L-AT-YORKU.CA>
>From: Eric Lee <ericlee-AT-USA.NET>
>Subject:      Labor's Online Bookstore
>To: Multiple recipients of list LABOR-L <LABOR-L-AT-YORKU.CA>
>Read a good book lately?
>Toward the end of this month, I will be launching "Labor's Online
>Bookstore" at the "Labor Movement and the Internet" web site
>(  ("Labor's Online Bookstore" is
>being launched in collaboration with Books, the largest such
>store on the planet with 1.1 million titles in its online catalog.)
>I'm looking for recommendations of books which are currently available
>on the subject of the labor movement -- including labor history, current
>labor issues, industrial relations, etc.  I hope you'll be able to help
>with some of your own favorite titles.
>In addition to listing hundreds of such titles, which Amazon sells at a
>discount using a secure Web server, I want to use "Labor's Online
>Bookstore" to recommend the better books, and to include very brief
>reviews of some of these.  New books will be listed as they are
>published, and Amazon is supplying me with information regularly about
>I see this an important project for the labor movement, allowing trade
>unionists around the world to have easy access to books about their
>movement at reasonable prices -- and only a mouse click away.
>Thank you for your help.
>Eric Lee
>Kibbutz Ein Dor, D.N. Yezreel 19335, Israel

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