File spoon-archives/marxism-general.archive/marxism-general_1997/97-01-12.050, message 54

Date: Thu, 9 Jan 1997 22:31:11 GMT
Subject: M-G: ITUSC Conference 18-22 January 1997

This message is from the International Trade Union Solidarity Campaign
(ITUSC) at:-
'snail' mail:  P.O.Box 18, Epsom, Britain, KT18 7YR
Tel/Fax:  ++ (0) 1372  817 778

Dear Comrades and Friends,

Greetings to all activists in the workers' movement!

We write to advise that all systems are 'GO' for the International Workers'
Conference (IWC) 18-22 January 1997 at the Palms Hall, University of London
Union, Malet St., London WC1E.

We would be pleased to receive messages of solidarity and greetings from
individuals and organisations around the world. Send them to our e-mail
address or fax us on + (0) 1372 817 778  

If possible, we hope you may be able to attend for all or some of the time
and that you will encourage others to do likewise. The Conference Agenda
contains a feast of interest for all activists in the workers' movement and
the conference fees are only  £20 for the entire 5 days; £5 per single day;
Concessions. Donations to offset costs will also be welcome. Cheques payable
to:- 'ITUSC' sent to the above address please. 

It had been suggested to us that the duration of the conference could
perhaps be shortened. The task before this IWC is to discuss and agree a
world-wide Programme of Action to take forward workers' international
solidarity in the coming struggles; this is a serious process and
necessarily requires the full 5 days determined by the June 1996 IWC.

We are pleased to report that some important areas of work in progress, are
continuing during and after the IWC. These include the women's group; work
on developing an international workers' response to imperialism and
religious fundamentalism in the Indian Sub-Continent and; the effects of
casualisation of labour internationally. With the assistance of our Iranian,
Iraqi, Turkish, Kurdish, Kashmiri and Pakistani comrades we are also
preparing a major document on 'Religious fundamentalism and labour'. The IWC
will be receiving reports on the struggles of the day from around the world.
It will act in support of the Day of International Solidarity, called by the
Liverpool dockers for 20 January 1997. Representatives of the Liverpool
dockers and the Hillingdon Hospital workers will take part in the conference.

Equally exciting and a measure of our fight for multi-culturalism and
workers' internationalism during and since the civil war in ex-Yugoslavia,
is that a joint delegation of miners union and teachers union leaders from
Bosnia and Kosova, will attend the IWC, together with the ITUSC Regional
Co-ordinator from Serbia. There will be a number of other opportunities for
comrades in Britain to meet with this delegation as it travels to various
centres. Their visit includes a public meeting on 28 January 1997 at 7.30
p.m. in the Conway Halls, Red Lion Square, London (near Holborn Tube
station). All comrades in the Greater London area are urged to attend and
encourage others to do so. 

We hope you will be able to attend the IWC. In any event, please send a
solidarity/greetings message to the conference.   


Keith Standring    (

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