Date: Fri, 10 Jan 1997 04:36:30 +0100 (MET) Subject: M-G: CNN-"MRTA"-"RCP"- - - "The more we are together..." CNN-"MRTA"-"RCP"- - - "The more we are together..." [Posted: 10.01.96] Perhaps many are getting bored with postings about the "MRTA" Lima hostage-taking action. And of course this is not one of the really important events in the class struggle of today. But it is, in my opinion, one which people can learn quite a bit from, concerning the methods of some reactionaries and not least, concerning the nature of various forces which are describing themselves as "leftist". How are they thinking on this event which has gotten considerable publicity on the part of the openly-reactionary, bourgeois mass media? How are they trying to analyse it, what standpoints have they taken up in public on it? How have these standpoints perhaps changed as the situation and/or discussion on it have/has progressed, etc, etc. Here there's already quite a lot of material for study so far. Just now I've posted and commented on a statement by the so-called "CSRP", USA. This time not in order to show the character of that organization, but as a further argument, because that character is already known, for suspicions in a certain direction concerning the "prime mover" of this much- televised event. (See subject line "Avakianist US muppet....") With this present posting I'm inviting the other M-G subscribers to join me in the singing of another old syrupy schlager song (than the one I just hummed a line from in that other post) - and this one I think is an internationally well-known one. The text you can infer from the CNN home page, its part about the ongoing Lima action. ( - as comrade Jay of the Detcom, Detroit, told us; thanks again for that) The interesting thing here is that not only does it feature a link to the "MRTA" home page - nothing unnatural in itself in that - but also to the home page of the miserable long-since-exposed phoney the "CSRP" (see the other posting I mentioned) - and says that THIS is the "HOME PAGE" of the "SHINING PATH"! Meaning, "the home page" of the PCP, which since 1980 has led a *genuine* (in the main at least) people's war against the reactionary regime in Peru, which has *nothing* whatever to do with that hostage-taking and whose spokesmen (unofficial, but presumably as well-informed as anyone can be, among those whose voices we can hear) are saying that this action in essence does *not* help the masses in Peru but instead has a counter-revolutionary character. The "CSRP" page of course is *not* a "PCP page" at all; it's a site managed by some people who since four years now quite openly have been stabbing the struggle of the PCP in the back! Perhaps the CNN people are ignorant of this? No, that can hardly be the case. And I confess I don't know how really "independent of", or to what more precise degree dependent of, the US governmental circles is the CNN. I think it would be strange if that well-known and important news chain didn't represent the intersts of the US bourgeoisie in general. So here we have it: That bourgeoisie's news chain the CNN is quite openly trying, via the "CSRP" (whose true character some but of course far from all today know about), to "chain" the PCP to that hostage taking action too! (See my other posting) It's really they, not me, who want everybody to join in that old schlager melody. But I thought that we M-G list subscribers could join in anyway, only ironically: "The more we are together, together, together, The more we are together, The merrier we'll be!" Since I myself missed out on one of Louis "Nobleman" P.:s ironies(?) once (which made Doug Leftie Biz call me a "moron" once more), perhaps I should make clear to all that the lines immediately above *are* supposed to be ironical and that I of course really intend to say: The more we all *oppose* those forces, the leading reactionaries in the world, the more we *see through* their muppets, puppets and dummies too, the better will it be for a positive development in the world, the more will we be of some use to people in general. Rolf M. --- from list ---
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