File spoon-archives/marxism-general.archive/marxism-general_1997/97-01-12.050, message 59

Date: Fri, 10 Jan 1997 05:08:57 +0100 (MET)
Subject: Re: M-G: M-I: Jerry Levy is suspended for two weeks

Jay wrote, on 09.01:

>Since this post mentions the Marxism-General list, I
>thought folks here might like to look at it.  -Jay 

Thanks, comrade-General! I at least certainly thought this
one was quite intersting! (See below, where I only include some 
of Jay's forwarded lines:)

><---- Begin Forwarded Message ---->
>To: marxism-international-AT-jefferson.village.Virginia.EDU
>From: Zeynep Tufekcioglu <>
>Subject: M-I: Jerry Levy is suspended for two weeks
>Date: Fri, 10 Jan 1997 00:32:45 +0000
>Sender: owner-marxism-international-AT-jefferson.village.Virginia.EDU
>Reply-To: marxism-international-AT-jefferson.village.Virginia.EDU
>Dear list-members,
>Jerry Levy has been suspended from posting to the list for two weeks. 
>He has made the following post to Marxism-thaxis in which he calls members
>of Marxism-International and Marxism-General "the worst kind of Marxist
>dogs". He is not subscribed to this list but has been posting apparently
>solely for the purpose of inciting a flame war; he doesn't even get the
>replies because he is not subscribed to the list. As far as the moderators
>can tell, there is no proof of any claim of his that requires moderator action.
>His suspension is mainly due to insulting all the list members in a
>completely unqualified and ugly manner. His remarks on Marxism-thaxis can
>only hinder attempts to foster critical dialogue among Marxists around the
>world. The moderators don't see why anyone who sees a list to be composed
>merely of the "hysterical barking" of "rabid dogs" should be allowed to post
>to that list.

Ach, those poor sensitive souls! Let's join in 2 seconds of silence
of commiseration. "Rabid dogs" gives them the shivers? 

I wonder how they would have reacted to some of the not uncommon terms 
of disparagement here on M-G, such as "maggot", etcetera? Half a heart
attack, perhaps? "Rabid" of course is "rabid" but "maggot" must
surely be many steps below "dog" on the zoological-comparison scale.

Now Ang pointed out to the (other) M-I-ers, I believe, that one of 
their moderators was trying out some stuff like that on M-G, and 
asked everyone, do you see any conclusions to be drawn from that? Or 
to be precise, she asked those M-G-ers who were also M-I-ers about it. 
(A posting that I at least liked.) I haven't seen any replies from the 
possibly relevant people so far. What lesson might this give us?

Perhaps this one: The different cultural environments in which we
dwell at each respective moment may change out way of thinking and
acting considerably. As Generals, some people think nothing of
having a "maggot!" hurled at them; as Internationals, the same
subscribers leap on a chair because of a mere "rabid dog!". (If
they agree with that moderating action, that is.)

Rolf M.

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