File spoon-archives/marxism-general.archive/marxism-general_1997/97-01-12.050, message 74

Date:          Fri, 10 Jan 1997 17:30:27 -0400 EDT
Subject:       Re: M-G: Re Rolf-Justin debate

To those on the list following this debate:

I've been reading the entries over the past 10 days with a mixture of 
fascination and astonishment that someone could take Rolf Marten's 
position on a "Marxism" list. Perhaps I shouldn't be so surprised. I 
wanted to bring a pamphlet to the attention of others following the 
discussion, especially after Vladimir Bilenkin raised the question of 
a Marxist analysis.

In 1976, Bob McCubbin wrote a pamphlet entitled "The Gay Question." 
It was reissued in 1993 under the title, "The Roots of Lesbian and 
Gay Oppression--A Marxist View," since the author did not want to 
imply, however indirectly, that there was a question in the 
progressive movement here about the legitimacy of the struggle for 
lesbian and gay rights.

     --- from list ---


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