Date: Sat, 11 Jan 1997 10:59:23 +0100 (MET) Subject: M-G: Re: M-I: Mensheviking Jon Flanders: writes > > Adam says Lou P's a Menshevik. DR says Adam and Lou P are both >Mensheviks. Next someone else will come along and say DR is a Menshevik. >Around it goes and where it will end nobody knows. > > Could we have a moratorium on this sort of thing? How does slapping a >label on someone advance the discussion? Jon, I doubt that in fact this stuff about neo-Stalinism and calling people Mensheviks is in fact just name calling. It is linked very much to both theory, practice and program in the discussions on this list . Just as those who are called Trotskyists who never built anything represent a definite political trend. Natuarally there are various colors to these names and trends with the present turmoill that exists in the workers movement at present after the fall of Stalinism and the desertion of the Social Democracy to the bougeoisie as well as colors to the various trends claiming to be Trotskyist. It is not just a slump for example (or a highly interesting discussion) that certain spokesman on this list are trying to write off the working class. Where others see trade unions as counter-revolutionary. And others stand for this or that on the broad versus narrow party stuff. Or others that fundementally are trying to liquidate the politics of Trotsky in the name of Trotsky.. In fact all of this wallowing around in the muck is a product of a long domination of the Social Democracy and the Stalinists in the Labor movement Internationally and naturally the relative isolation of the Bolshevik-Leninists and Trotskyist forces. And thus with Stalinism collapsing and the Social Democracy deserting even formal reformism to the side of the bougeoisie has its reflections on the left who in many cases have been tailing or supporting these two fundemental ideologies in one way or another in decades. Just as the "Trotskyist" forces have been effected by all of these historical events. To think that this has to do with "labeling" is both empirical and a denial that basically their are only three to five general political trends in the International workers movement. The Mensheviks, the Stalinists, (including the Mao variant) The Trotskyists, the Anarchists etc.. Much of the name calling is in fact in regards to the fundemental programatic positions that the various trends take and is directly connected to the historical discussions and practices that have been going on for decades. Or don,t you think that these trends exist or existed? I mean Menshevism,Stalinism and Trotskyism existed and exist as a real part of the International Labor Movement. To claim that we are trying to create something new on this list is not true. And if it is could you please explain to me what exactly that "new" is. In fact what i have seen here is a lot of defense of the old from everybody. Just depending on which particular trend the individual is representing. Because fundementally everthing that is said on these lists can be linked to the various historical trends. I think that the party question, the which class question, the which program and tactic question facing the International proletariat has not really changed fundementally since 1917. If it has then could you please present us with what this new is. One of the biggest snowjobs going on here on this list is those that are claiming that the name calling is irrevelant to the discussions. In fact it comes from those who on all of the fundemental political questions are trying either to cover up some of the more horrible crimes of the Menshevik or Stalinist leaderships. Or under the guise of creating something "New" are in fact just putting forth the same old Menshevik and Neo-Stalinist garbage of the old out and calling it "New". In fact the only reason for this debate is that the Mensheviks and Neo-Stalinists who programatically and tactically and ideologically defend those politics do not want the label. Because it is pretty difficult to call yourself a "Menshevik" or a Stalinist" these days. However a few years back the "Stalinists" were marching around with pictures of old Joe. The problem we have here on the list is that the fundemental political line of the people being called Menshevik or neo-Stalinists are people who in fact defend just those kinds of politics! But it would be much more easier to for example build a popular front without being labeled the names of the predessessors of just these kind of suicidal tactics for the workers movement-the Mensheviks and the Stalinists represented. It would be much easier to build a "broad" party of the whole class without being called a Menshevik who Lenin denounced. It would be much easier for the Stalinists and Mensheviks to bury their sordid past and betrayals of the International working class just by repeating the lie about those horrible sects, those horrible Bolshevik Leninists, those horrible Vanguard creeps, those horrible etc. etc. etc. Who actually have nothing to do with reality etc.. I certainly do not demand that the Mensheviks and Neo Stalinists on this list stop calling those who represent a Bolshevik Leninist Trotsyist position all these horrible names. Nor do I expect them to agree with both the programatical and tactitical conclusions that we have for the building of parties and the program for mobilising workers in a struggle for power. But do not try and run a snow job on us that Menshevism, Stalinism, Trotskyism or whatever is dead politically thus no need for name calling. The name calling in fact reflects fundemental political,programatical tactical and ideological positions on all sides. Positions which are very real and will have consequyences if and when they are practiced.. Because i believe the Menshevik and neo-Stalinist positions are based on both organisational, tactical. and programatic conclusions which will not lead the workers forward but backward to new betrayals. And that these positions have their historical roots in just Menshevik and Stalinist politics. But in order to do this operation they want to dump the names that their politics represent! I think that helping the horse to change its spots which you in fact are doing under the guise of "name calling" just doesn,t get us their and is a bit empirical at best. When I say that Louis G. is a neo Stalin Menshevik it is just because he is trying to write of the working class and in its place put something else which if it isn,t the working class can only be some sort or "people's front" or "anti-imperialist" front which is fundementally a Menshevik-Stalinist political and programatical position that has and will have consequences. I think that Louid P and the "broadie" arguement is also a combination of Menshevik and neo Stalinist organisational conclusions directly related to the tactics of these trends historical predessors. He claims that the "trotskyists sects" never buildt anything" and I say that every thing that the Mensheviks and Stalinists buildt has led to disaster! So his claim about the "Trotskyist sects" is just a big joke if one were to take a look at the complete disintegration of the reformist and Stalinist parties. In fact your position which i assume is a position (not as a moderater of this list) is in fact the position of trying to make this list one big happy family of "comrades". Well, the question of the leadership of the Proletariat Internationally is not a question of being nice guys and girls. It is a serious and deadly discussion who,s outcome will determine the victory or the defeat of the Proletariat. When it comes to concrete stuggles i think that the lists should act in solidarity in support of those struggles. (Korea, Turkey, the U.S. whatever) but to join the campaign going on by the Mensheviks and Neo-Stalinists on this list to stop calling them by the names of the politics that they represent in the real world is just ridiculous. This discussion must be brutal and with no holds barred here on the lists. We are not or should not be interested in building a little cozy corner in cyber-space where leftists can agree to disagree with each other in a warm and "comradely" fashion. In fact it is like saying STOP CLASS STRUGGLE and let us all be friends! A fucking utopia Jon! You are calling for the support of a petty bougeois utopia! Which naturally does not mean i accuse you personally of being petty bougeois. Today as the International bougeoisie goes to attack all across the line. Where Inter-imperialist rivilry is once again turning towards a new confrontation. Where the precarious position of the banks, insurance, and fond systems could collapse over and night (Japan) sending the middle class quickly towards militarization or fascist solutions. Where imperialism is doing everything to crush the remnants of the deformed and degenerated workers states. (Jugoslavia,Bulgaria and the Soviet Union), Where mass confrontations between a International Proletariat and its deadly enemies over reforms in the so called welfare systems are being dismantled as the former leaderships of the workers movement have disintegrated or jumped into the camp of the bougeoisie. And you are saying now "lets be all comrades". Look John it was the political victories of both reformism and Stalinism that has got the International proletariat into the dangerous position that they find themselves. Those "victories" have led to the situation the International Proletariat finds themselves in. In fact one thing the Trotskyists certainly can not be blamed for. Just as it was the destruction of the Trotskyist cadre and the liquidationist line of the fake Trotskyists after the second wolrd war has led to and incredible ideological crisis amongst those claiming to be Trotskyis. In fact all of the trends are doing all kinds of hat tricks to find a way out. So to call for a "moratorium" is more like denying reality and trying to cover up and stop discussions. The we are not getting anywhere is false to the core. The problem is that all of the various trends and the politics they represent are trying to get somewhere! It is in fact the leadership of the International Workers movement that is beginning to reform after the gigantic happenings of late,Or do you think the proletariat did it by themselves? So in reality I see you above letter as a bad attempt to confuse the debate. In fact playing into the hands of the Mensheviks and neo-Stalinists who would just love to stop being called by their rightful names. The last think these people want is a serious discussion about Proletarian independence vs the popular front. The United Front in action with the right to fully critize and put forth solutions vs Unity in action around a mimium program. Or discussions around anything for that matter. At best they want to continue along the old line as if nothing has happened. Just a little correction in course. They are saying don,t call us Mensheviks or neo-Stalinists. I mean that fundementally their political line represents those trends with exactly those names! The Menshevik-neo Stalinist ghost is not really a ghost but has a reality in political,programatical and tactical positions which stem from the history of the workers movement. Just as the Bolshevik Leninist Trotsyist positions do. To deny this is to deny reality. And to try and smooth over this stuff and building a cozy family who agrees politiely to disagree (without name calling) is in fact fundementally the same thing the Mensheviks one time accused Lenin of doing with words like "Economist" and Bersteinians" or what ever. They use to call the Leninists all kinds of horrible names like "splitters".. Ending up I would say that let the name calling continue as long as it is linked too a political critism of what a particular individual tries to present here. Because their is hardly nothing "new" politically being presented here but has its roots in the histories of the various trends that have in fact recieved these names. Or have these theories being presented by people here come from outer space or something? A "moratorium" as Jon suggests implies that one would in fact paint over what these names represent politically. Naturally if one is accuse somebody of being a certain name it should be backed up with revelant arguements which i think the Bolshevik Leninist trend does try to do. Dave,s critism of the Adam's SWP fits into this category. Just as Adam in his defense trys to motivate his positions when he accuses Louis G or P. of being Mensheviks. And it is certainly not the "Trotskyists who never built anything" that are whining about name calling. It is in fact the Menshevik and neo-stalinists that time and again raise this question in order to throw mashed potatoes in the faces of people in order to cover up the fact that their politics as presented to the list do in fact deserve the name. I mean more concretely that writing off the working class and the "broadie" solution to the party question are in fact classical Menshevik and neo-Stalinist political lines. Just as the Popular Front and Stage Theory of Revolution are political lines which one can put a definite name on..Naturally the opposition has the right to call me a horrible "Trotskyist sectoide" or whatever. I can live with that. So let us stop the whining about name calling and discuss the issues confronting the working class Internationally. PS: Does anybody have anything to say about the Japanese Banks and the Stockmarket? I believe this could be one way which could quickly solve the problems of erasing all the post war reforms the working class had gained. Thus not excluding it as a real posibbility to stop the many slow and drawn out battles that are developing in this area around the world.. Warm Regards Bob Malecki -------------------------------------------------------- Read the book! Ha Ha Ha McNamara, Vietnam-My Bellybutton is my Crystalball! COCKROACH, a zine for poor and workingclass people NOW ON LINE -------------------------------------------------------- --- from list ---
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