File spoon-archives/marxism-general.archive/marxism-general_1997/97-01-19.073, message 11

Date: Mon, 13 Jan 1997 08:50:35 +0100 (MET)
Subject: M-G: Re: M-I: Some considerations

Rob writes;
>[Viray writes:]
>'When Marx, conceived of the possibility of the resolution of antithetical
>nature of mental and physical labour, there was no idea, what the computer
>will offer in this regard. Computer has accelarated the alienation and
>(electronic) subjugation of the individual by the capitalist society. But it
>is the same computer that will dig their own graves by making the dominance
>of the mental labourers more and more superfluous, and making planning,
>organisation, and co-ordination of productive activity possible with lesser
>and lesser roles to be played by the managers and supervisors etc.'
>[The technical capacity of computers is not the only criterion upon which
>speculation about their role in the future should be done.  Computers may
>lead  people to redefine managers and supervisors - they do not replace
>them.  Computers will always play the game their operators play, whether
>they be CEOs or central planners - in the latter case political control and
>economic control are potentially even more concentrated than in the former.
>To make more of the point: if the computer is a universally accessible
>tool, well, that might be a good thing for checking autocracy - but it is
>not computers who will decide whether they will be universally accessible -
>that's a decision for humans.  Always is.

Ahh, What are you trying to say here Rob? Do you mean that the computer is 
just another technical invention which like most things depends on who 
controls them
which decides the future?

If it is I agree! 

However this guy Viray is just full of shit. As if a computer can change the 
fundementals in class struggle. Computers like anything else is a weapon 
either in the hands of the poor and working class and its organisdations or 
it is in the hands of its class enemies. The only thing we (the Proletariat) 
have to do is see to it that this powerful technical weapon is controlled by 
the state power of the working class so that it is not used by the class 
enemy to regain power once we get rid of them..

Bob Malecki


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