File spoon-archives/marxism-general.archive/marxism-general_1997/97-01-19.073, message 32

Date: Wed, 15 Jan 1997 12:19:08 +0100 (MET)
Subject: Re: M-G: Re: M-I: Re: Korea and Other Places

>> Louis R Godena wrote:
>> > May I offer an alternative scenario to the one gratuitously drawn by Adam
>> > and some of the other ludicrous little "general secretaries" that 
plague our
>> > circle?    The corruption that is endemic to the ruling groups in Seoul 
>> > soon spread to every corner of Korean society facilitated by a process of
>> > rote  "normalization",  and especially within the labor movement,  whose
>> > very structure and pathos is ready -made for such a disease.    The social
>> > development of modern capitalism, with its attendant vitiation of
>> > traditional Korean values, will subsequently spur the development of
>> > anti-modernist movements of the Right,  growing exponentially as the
>> > disfranchised from all groups respond to the clarion of anti-corruption and
>> > the redemption of traditional Korean mores.   I would expect that this is
>> > where the majority of  rank-and-file workers will end up.    After all,  of
>> > the revolutionary parties of the twentieth century -- right or left --  it
>> > was the German Nazis and their allies (professing at least initially a
>> > similar bent) who counted the highest proportion of industrial workers in
>> > their ranks.
>> >
>Nick replies: 
>> > And what do you do? Or, more fundamentally, what do you encourage 
Korean workers to do? On 
>> the basis of the hopeless scenario you put forward, the only thing left 
seems to be to 
>> hide in a cupboard until it is all over. This kind of world-weary 
fatalism is a 
>> demobiliser: it recognises and encourages no scope for independent 
political action on 
>> behalf of the Korean working class. Everything happens to them, nothing 
is done by them.

Actually what Godena is backhanded implying by claiming that;

>The social
>> > development of modern capitalism, with its attendant vitiation of
>> > traditional Korean values, will subsequently spur the development of
>> > anti-modernist movements of the Right,  growing exponentially as the
>> > disfranchised from all groups respond to the clarion of anti-corruption and
>> > the redemption of traditional Korean mores.   I would expect that this is
>> > where the majority of  rank-and-file workers will end up.    After all,  of
>> > the revolutionary parties of the twentieth century -- right or left --  it
>> > was the German Nazis and their allies (professing at least initially a
>> > similar bent) who counted the highest proportion of industrial workers in
>> > their ranks. 

is in fact one of the more classical motivations of Stalinism for popular 
front politics which concretely means building some sort of anti-fascist 
front-although Godena does not have the balls to come out and say what 
should be done in Korea..

There is a certain element of truth in what Godena is trying to say and it 
goes not only for Korea, but Japan as well. In fact as inter-imperialist 
rivilry grows the need for Nationalist and perhaps fascist revival as the 
ultimate tactical solution for capitalism becomes once again a viable 
alternative. Because it is just in this way the road to a new imperialist 
bloodbath in order to redevide the world becomes the solution to capitalism 
and imperialism's problem of shrinking markets with no where to go except WAR!

Naturally this is not new for Bolshevik Leninists and in fact Godena just 
cuts under his whole stupid arguement of which class he has been pumping 
down the throats of M-I since its inception!

And naturally the only viable answer to his drivel which I agree with Nick 
on is in fact a world party of revolution which takes the side of poor and 
working class people.Once again that "Oh so outdated" Transitional Program 
just becomes so
incredibly actual again. As if it never was. Ha Ha What a Joke.

Because what we are seeing very clearly again in Korea as elsewhere is the 
that capitalism and imperialism is a deadend! Only proletarian revolution 
along the lines of the October Revolution in some of the major imperialist 
countries can show the way out.

If the Stalinist idea of Socialism in one country and peaxceful co-existence 
is one example of how it can go then Social Democracy and the welfare states 
which in fact were a product not just of Keynesnian economic politics but 
something that directly resulted out of the victorious October Revolution 
and the military victories of the Red Army in World War Two, (despite 
Stalin) are also on the same road as the former Soviet Union if one were to 
see it out of a class perspective.

The only solution to the present situation is either war or revolution and 

Even Godena realises this with his whining about nationalism and fascism in 
Korea. In fact a skandal for one claiming to be a "Marxist"! But coming from 
a Stalinist who was raised on popular front politics of the anti-fascist 
sort, (obviously Godena missed the "Red Front" period where the Stalinists 
were calling the Social Democracy "Social facsists") but does understand in 
a bizarr way that the system is coming to another dead end and Korea is just 
one of the examples!

What Godena actually has done here is what some would call "blowing your cover"
but in a very stupid way. Without coming out with at least a purposal of 
some sort of anti-fascist or anti-imperialist front to combat the situation 
he describes in a very negative way. He just leaves people on the list half 
assed hanging their waiting to pose the obvious question! Is that it Godena? 
Is that all we can expect from Godena the "Marxist"? 

And as Nick so wisely put it. Should we go hide in a closet or something. Ha 
Ha Ha that is both very funny but also tragic! Because our little "Marxist" 
Godena who has been rambling on for weeks with long and boring documents to 
DAZZLE us with his intellect has nothing else to say when it comes down to 
the cookie jar other then
watch the Korean working class be sucked up into National or fascism!

The epigone is exposed! Godena is caught with his pants down. The emperor 
has no fucking clothes on. What a tragic joke!

Forward to a Revolutionary Bolshevik Leninist International based on the 
politics, program and tactics of the first four congresses of the third 
International, the left opposition in and outside of the former Soviet Union 
led by Trotsky! and the founding documents of the Fourth International which 
was destroyed by Pabloism..

Warm regards
Bob Malecki

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