File spoon-archives/marxism-general.archive/marxism-general_1997/97-01-26.112, message 20

Date: Wed, 22 Jan 1997 08:40:47 +0100 (MET)

Thought I would forward this to the list! I think Rolf and a perhaps a few 
others tried to help this guy also...

Bob Malecki

>The Dutch Daily The "Brabants Dagblad" reported last week that Amir Bohram
>has now been released from the Willem II Detention Camp after a long series
>of protracted hunger strikes in solitary confinment to protest his
>treatment in that facility.
>He has not been granted any leave to stay legally in the Netherlands but
>was "dumped" at a train station with a ticket to Venlo (the last Dutch
>Station at the Border with the German Bundesrepublik), the Dutch IND
>apparently requested that he make his own way back to Tehran where it
>appears Human and Civil Rights, in the opinion of the German and Dutch
>Governments,  are respected. Constructive dialogue in the interests of
>trade involving exchanges of human beings appears to be the paramount
>objective of certain EU member states.
>This is a common practice in such cases and he could be re-arrested at
>anytime. Suffice to say that at this stage he is out of the clutches of the
>sadistic, notorious Willem II regime which continues to operate with the
>same Governor  despite being investigated for gross financial
>irregularities by the Ministry of Justice Audit Unit.
>Nothing will change until those who have the means to inform the public and
>the world at large of the practices in this hypocritical country, such as
>compelling medics to act as immigration officers, denying undocumented
>human beings urgent medical treatment whilst openly operating fleets of
>"animal ambulances".
>Thank you to all who protested against Mr. Bohram's treatment or cared to
>get involved.
>Edward G. Schwienbacher

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