File spoon-archives/marxism-general.archive/marxism-general_1997/97-01-26.112, message 24

Date: Wed, 22 Jan 1997 08:45:05 +0100 (MET)
Subject: Re: M-G: family 

>Hi , I'm new to the list and I just wanted to respond to something I saw Leslaw
>Leslaw(is that right) I saw some of the things you wrote on one of the first "
>family" postings, where you ask why no one condems Lenin and Trorsky for the
>attrocities of the Russina Revolution.  Well I do.  But that's easy to say in
>hindsight.  I will admit these were nasty mistakes, but they were at war!  I
>mean war is war - there are attrocities in every war!   The Bolsheviks were
>defending the interests of the masses, the counter revolution had struck - they
>needed to act fast.  You also comment on many other revolutioms that "failed". 
>Well to this I say that there have only been 4 independent so called "marxist"
>revolutions in history, Russia, China, Yugoslavia, and Cuba.  All the rest were
>either led, started , created or otherwise by the then Maoist and Stalinist
>regimes.  The Chinese, Yugoslavian and Cuban revolutions were by no means
>Marxist.  The only real revolution was the russian, because it was first and
>foremost based on the masses, the workers-  essentially the proletariat.  The
>chinese revolution was based on the peasantry, as was the Cuban, and the
>Yugoslavian revolution was Stalinist.  A revolution must be based on the masses
>(basically workers) and then the peasantry.  Many on the list may not agree
>with me, and I definitely don't think I'm an expert on Marxism - but I think
>form several conversations where this is come up it is "Trotskyist" to say a
>revolution based on peasants or individuals will not work and is not marxist.

Hi Rob, 

Welcome to the list! You forgot a couple of revolutions by the way. North 
Korea and vietnam. Both led by the stalinists in creating deformed workers 

Bob malecki

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