File spoon-archives/marxism-general.archive/marxism-general_1997/97-02-02.084, message 18

Subject: Re: M-G: "MRTA" hostage taking: Some positions
Date: 	Mon, 27 Jan 1997 21:12:24 -0500

Please Malecki, be honest: supporting the so-called "good points" of the
fascist LaRouche has nothing to do with Maoism, nor with Marxism.

And to Rolf: how can you explain that a counter-revolutionary organization
as this one can have some good points? Maoism is intransigent against
all the reactionaries. And this include LaRouche's sect.

Jacques Beaudoin

>From: (Robert Malecki)
>Date: Mon, 27 Jan 1997 10:48:59 +0100 (MET)
>Subject: Re: M-G: "MRTA" hostage taking: Some positions
>Rolf writes;
>>Lyndon LaRouche, the leader of that small bourgeois group in
>>the USA which in my opinion has certain good points in that
>>it's rather squarely against the "green" warfare but which
>>of course is counter-revolutionary too, speaks of "awful
>>terrorism, just like Sendero Luminoso [PCP]" - he would try
>>to mix those both up, wouldn't he - and hints that some
>>forces in Germany (!) - of all countries - might have
>>something to do with the action. "Closer to home" he doesn't
>>want to look!
>The above is a wonderful example of "Maoist" allah Rolf dialectics. And
>about as convincing as the scientology church is!
>Bob Malecki

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