File spoon-archives/marxism-general.archive/marxism-general_1997/97-02-02.084, message 2

Date: Sun, 26 Jan 1997 21:07:49 +0100 (MET)
Subject: M-G: List of "UNITE! [etc] Infos" so far 

List of "UNITE! [etc] Infos" so far [Posted: 26.01.97]

Now that I can read the newsgroup 'alt.politics.socialism.mao',
I think it's suitable to post to it the below list of the items so
far in a series of mine posted in some different languages but
mainly in English and advocating the political line of Marx, Lenin
and Mao Zedong.

The same list goes to the Marxism-General mailing list managed
by the Spoons Collective too. I invite newsgroup readers to join
in the discussions there. The Spoons Collective can be found on
WWW at <http://jefferson.village.Virginia.EDU/~spoons/>. To
subscribe to the list, send an e-mail to
<> with, in the body, only:
subscribe marxism-general

The existence of the Mao newsgroup I on my part was informed of
only some months ago. I tried to get my server carry it but did not
succeed at first. Some of the "UNITE! Infos" I've posted there too
anyway, "blindfold", so to speak. But some of the earlier ones, I
haven't. In recent replies to Chris F.. and Daniel on 'mao', I've
referred to some articles which are part of the current debate on
Marxism, Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought. I shall now post
them to the newsgroup. Here's the "UNITE [etc] Info" list:

F=D6RENA ER! Info en/de/fr/es/se series:

List of previous issues / Liste =FCber fr=FChere Nummer / Liste de
numéros anterieurs / Lista de n=FAmeros anteriores / Lista =F6ver
tidigare nr. [Last update: 18.01.1997]

Advocates the political line of Marx, Lenin and Mao Zedong.
Bef=FCrwortet die politische Linie von Marx, Lenin und Mao Zedong.
Partidaria de la l=EDnea pol=EDtica de Marx, Lenin y Mao Zedong.
F=F6respr=E5kar Marx', Lenins och Mao Zedongs politiska linje.

Posted to newsgroups etc by
Rolf Martens; postal address:
Nobelvaegen 38, S - 214 33 Malmoe,
SWEDEN; Tel: +46 - 40 - 124832.
Previous postings to newsgroups can be found on archive:
For most previous Info postings and all future ones, see
under newsgroup 'cl.gruppen.sonstige'. Issues so far:

In English: UNITE! Info

#1en:    A Basic Statement of Oct 1978   	23.12.95
#2en/de/es/se: Declaration, 27.4.1995	        28.12.95
#3en:    '94 art. on Mao, RIM, US, PCP		01.01.96
             (3 parts)
#4en:    A barbaric anti-industry attack 	21.03.96
             (2 parts, 2 appendices)
#5en:    Marx: Speech in London, 1856		27.07.96
#6en:    Solidarity with the Filipino people!  	05.04.96
             (2 appendices)
#8en:    The sinking of the "RIMitz"	        25.04.96
             (5 parts)
#10en:   Two poems by Mao Zedong 	        01.05.96
#11en:   China on three worlds, 1974 		27.05.96
            (2 parts)
#12en:   China - NE (Germany), '75-'77		08.07.96
            (6 parts)
#13en:   CPC 10th Congress 1973, I.		10.07.96
            (4 parts)
#15en:   Debate needed, M-L gen. line		22.07.96
            (2 parts)
#16en:   China '76 on new tsars & Africa 	04.10.96
            (2 parts)
#17en:   Mao Zedong in '52 on Tibet 		05.10.96
#18en:   China on world situation, 1976		05.10.96=09
            (3 parts)
#19en:   Social-imperialism's Afghan war	09.10.96
            (4 parts)
#20en:   Lenin on social-imperialism, 1916 	19.10.96
#21en:   Debate with Olaechea, '96 VII		27.10.96
            (5 parts)
#22en:   The 4-Gang in China, 1976              03.11.96
            (12 parts)
#24en:   Engels on old tsars & dynamiters      	26.12.96
#25en:   Lenin on guerilla warfare, 1906        26.12.96
             (2 parts)    
#26en:   China, early '76, on nukes etc		18.01.97
             (2 parts)

Auf Deutsch: VEREINIGT EUCH! Info

#1de:    Erkl=E4rung NE Okt 1978 		        23.12.95
#2en/de/es/se: Erkl=E4rung 27.4.1995		28.12.95
#4de:    Anti-Industrie-Angriff 		28.03.96
              (2 Teilen, 3 Komplemente)
#5de:    Marx: Rede 14.4.1856  			28.03.96
#7de:    NE zu AkWe 77  			07.04.96
             (3 Teile)
#10de:   2 Gedichte von Mao			01.05.96

En fran=E7ais: UNISSEZ-VOUS! Info

#11fr:   Chine: 3 mondes, 74                    31.12.96
            (2 parties)

En espa=F1ol: =A1UNIOS! Info

#2en/de/es/se: Declaraci=F3n 27.4.1995		28.12.95
#10es:  Dos poemas de Mao Zedong	        01.05.96

P=E5 svenska: F=D6RENA ER! Info

#1se:   F=F6rklaring NE okt 1978			23.12.95
#2en/de/es/se: F=F6rklaring 27.4.1995		28.12.95=09
#9se:   Varf=F6r g=E5r det bak=E5t?			01.05.96
             (2 delar)
#10se:  Tv=E5 dikter av Mao		        01.05.96
#14se:  Upprop f=F6r WMC		                20.07.96
             (2 delar)
#23se:  Mot j=E4ttefusket 1980                    16.11.96
             (2 delar)

[End / Ende / Fin / Fin / Slut]

Rolf M.

     --- from list ---


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