Date: 28 Jan 97 03:26:20 EST Subject: M-G: degenerate workers states dear Bob Malecki (BM), RE: Your political "dodge ball' reply to Aaron S.1/27 Your Trotskyist "Crisis of leadership" mantra has gone rancid. You call this a 'programme'? A party serving ANY exploiter class and reaction could prate this stuff! And the ruling class parties are a lot better at this demagoguery than are even the trots! BM, Yours is not a programme for mass organization in struggle for workers liberty, nowhere do you ever expound on any kind of politica/educational work for communists at the base of the working class in the day to day struggles. To you workers class- consciousness and essence of organization infused by the power of the class itself at the point of production and thru revolutionary party work with the class in general is all "ultra-left" or "going into the desert' etc. ad nauseum. Why you trots have have all the schemes and shortcuts now don't you. Now lets see, first your brilliant "Transitional Program" Surely the "WORD" from above, never mind it came out in ---1938! Now lets get the rrrrrevolutionary mantras ready Bob! Trotskyists all Shout and stomp together "Bosses open your books, now ,we want to see your profits" Bosses to trots:"But which set of books do you want comrades trotskyists, we have 3 or 4 different sets" Wow that will really help solve your "crisis of leadership"! Why you will be 2 decibels to the left of the CPUSA! Rrrrrrrolutionary! What about your brilliant tactics for entering bosses parliaments! Now lets see, if we look at trot theory and practice the scenario goes like this...... "we trots don't have any support now" So this means well.......... 1) We trots "critically' support the Lambertists on the first round 2) We support the stalinists on the 2nd round ! 3) Then we really get down building a militant struggle by.........supporting the SP (Mitterand) on the 3rd round. 'Of course WE trots know that all these groups are counterrevolutionary and careerists but we want the workers to support them anyway, that way they get materialist understanding because when these parties in power openly attack the workers will see that it is really a trotskyist "crisis of leadership' problem. And why?' Because we trots gave all-out "critical" support to the misleaders and denounced the real communists as "ultra -left"! Wow BM , thats a programme , a real programme of trotskyist leadership --in practice! Gee, no wonder the trots have been so successful in their work. They are so brilliant! Workers will never have to think and act for themselves, the brilliant trots do all the work and the workers follow the leaders, how original! Bourgeois think tanks will never think of that! Neil --- from list ---
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