File spoon-archives/marxism-general.archive/marxism-general_1997/97-02-02.084, message 3

Date: Sun, 26 Jan 1997 23:40:33 +0100 (MET)
Subject: M-G: "MRTA" hostage taking: Some positions

The "Revolutionary Worker", organ of US imperialist muppet
"RCP", in its issue of 19.01 still applauds the action.

"solidaire", organ of the PTB, Belgium, which as I wrote
before is a party of "mixed blessings" and which i.a. says
the Soviet Union was "socialist" in 1991, has condemned the
action as not helpful to the Peruvian masses and has pointed
out the reactionary character of the "MRTA". So far correct.
The paper doesn't say anything about who must be suspected of
lying behind the action, though.

Lyndon LaRouche, the leader of that small bourgeois group in
the USA which in my opinion has certain good points in that
it's rather squarely against the "green" warfare but which
of course is counter-revolutionary too, speaks of "awful
terrorism, just like Sendero Luminoso [PCP]" - he would try
to mix those both up, wouldn't he - and hints that some
forces in Germany (!) - of all countries - might have
something to do with the action. "Closer to home" he doesn't
want to look!

Meanwhile, the media circus has diminished considerably, after
rather many different forces have said publicly that the whole
thing does stink quite a bit of CIA. Which I still think it does.

Rolf M.

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