File spoon-archives/marxism-general.archive/marxism-general_1997/97-02-02.084, message 37

Date: Wed, 29 Jan 1997 19:41:49 +0100 (MET)
Subject: M-G: Re: M-I: Sweden--Moral and political dilemma!

>For what its worth I think you made the right decision about the job 
>or non-job rather.  I think the principle of not scabbing on workers 
>and fighting for real jobs or full pay for the unemployed is more 
>important than the high pay of the teachers or the opportunity to 
>politicise the kids about Bougainville. By sticking to that principle 
>I think you also showed the teachers how to fight - unite with the 
>unemployed and all workers on our terms, not the bosses/state terms.
> Sooner or later the teachers will have to unite with other workers 
>to survive the cuts in education. The sooner the better.  In NZ teachers 
>have been hit hard and are learning the meaning of trade union solidarity. 
>As for Bougainville, you could always offer to give talks to the kids 
>during the teachers' stopwork meetings. That way youd get to meet 
>some of the parents too no doubt when their kids come home and say 
>mommy/daddy  guess what we learned at school today?   

Yes I agree! Umm two teachers have offered already for me to come in and do 
the Bougainville stuff. Basically because I took a principled position on 
the union  stuff. And where I live it is the "red belt" base of both the 
Social democrats and the Stalinists historically. So we will just have to 
see what happens!

I am posting this to Aaron privately along with your letter. He is going of 
list and would like to be kept informed. To Dave I send the aaron letter 
privately. Because it is explicitely stated in his letter that this is and 
off list comment. And I have to respect this although I disagree with his 


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