File spoon-archives/marxism-general.archive/marxism-general_1997/97-02-02.084, message 39

Date: Thu, 30 Jan 1997 01:02:49 +0100
Subject: M-G: Re: Sweden--Moral and political dilemma!

As usual, Auntie Adolf-O is completely off the ball:

>Malecki is - I bet - not too happy at all to get this advice: Take the money
>and run and screw the fat Swedish teachers in 18.000 a bloody month!  This
>actually involves some work, albeit basically emitting gases, he does still
>has to actually go thru the motions!
>However, yes.  I agree with the gist of the advice without having to bring
>Engels into it (I may be over suspicioss, but it occurs to me that Rodwell
>is fishing for some unearned and unearnable cash here by threatening in a
>suggestive manner to write volume VII of Das Capital (The Next Intergalactic
>Generation) with malecki's dosh).  Get the job malecki, do something instead
>of vegetating, but use the money to catch up on some wives and children
>support instead!

The Swedish work practice system brings in no money, it merely keeps its
victims on the dole for a bit longer instead of on totally inadequate
social security handouts. That's why I called it free labour. That's why
it's a real problem. That's why, in Britain where things have decayed much
further there is a real and developing movement against such "training
schemes" by their victims. That's why Militant Labour is in shit, because
they organize a lot of petty bureaucrats in positions like social workers
and training scheme officials, and they don't want to stir up the poor and
oppressed against their own supporters.



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