File spoon-archives/marxism-general.archive/marxism-general_1997/97-02-02.084, message 40

Date: Wed, 29 Jan 1997 20:38:51 -0800
Subject: M-G: Peruvian Dictator Will Be in Toronto, Canada 

Peruvian dictator Alberto Fujimori will meet with Japan's Prime
Minister this Saturday, (Feb. 1st) in Toronto Canada.

Hashimoto will leave Japan on Friday.  He will meet with the
assassin Fujimori on Saturday.  After their bourgeois criminal
scheming session, they will have a "news conference" together.
Hashimoto will go back to Tokyo on Sunday.  No word yet of the
Peru's dictator's plans. 

Supporters of justice in the Toronto area should make plans 
for an appropriate reception of this fiendish pig.

=============================================================Posted by the Peru Support News Service/Detroit

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