Date: Thu, 2 Jan 1997 01:34:37 +0000 Subject: M-G: PERU: People's War Debunk Lies of Imperialism. PERU: REVOLUTION CRUSHES SLANDERS WITH MORE PEOPLE'S WAR SWP: A Cult at the Service of U.S. Imperialism. Part 1 of 2 articles. For the last few years, a Yankee cult named "Socialist Workers Party" (SWP), historically engaged in the trafficking of international "solidarity movements" and with a long history of COINTELPRO infiltration, has been involved in an ignominious campaign of spreading around the world the lies of the U.S. State Department and the CIA against the Peruvian Revolution led by the Communist Party of Peru (PCP). A summary of the SWP's defamations, along with their "reputable" sources are presented below: SLANDER No. 1. "PCP crushes workers and their organizations. It keeps them out of politics. Also kills leftists, priests, nuns, engineers, and gays. It cuts off fingers, gouges eyes, cuts pieces of flesh off living bodies, drinking people's blood." SOURCE: a) CIA World Fact Book 1992, b) Testimony to U.S. Congress from former U.S. State Department felon Elliot Abrams 3/90. c) Testimony to U.S. Congress from US State Dept.'s Bernard Aronson 3/23/94. FACT. PCP leads 16 year revolution of workers, peasants and progressives against the 3 mountains oppressing the Peruvian people: semi-feudalism, imperialism and bureaucratic capitalism. It's destroying the old State to build the New Power: The People's Republic of Peru. It is a Marxist-Leninist-Maoist, Gonzalo Thought Party of new type which has a mass character. SLANDER No. 2. " PCP is terrorist. Fujimori's's regime is not a dictatorship but a democracy." SOURCE: Reagan, Bush and Clinton. FACT. Even Senderologist David Scott Palmer (an anti-communist advisor to the Clinton Administration) candidly admits, "Sendero uses terror to further its revolutionary ends but it is not a terrorist organization...they do not use indiscriminate violence and should not be compared with Pol Pot." (P. 244, "Shining Path," 1992.) It is nothing new for U.S. imperialism to call "democracy" the murderous regime of Fujimori hatched from a military coup and 18% of the eligible vote. Fujimori's dictatorship has committed several crimes against humanity: i) the assassination of 100 political prisoners at the jail of Cantrogrande in May 1992, ii) the Cantuta killings of 9 students and one university professor by Fujimori's death squads, iii) the Barrios Altos crimes in midtown Lima of 2 complete humble families, iv) the murder of 12 students at the University of Huancayo, v) since 1991, 600,00 Peruvians per year thrown into poverty, hunger and misery because the worn out neoliberal economic policies and privatizaciones. Peru has become known in the world as the country of cholera and tuberculosis, vi) the slow annihilation of more than 7,500 political prisoners of war living in inhuman conditions in clear violation of the U.N. Geneva Convention for human rights, the Peruvian constitution and the international law. Women prisoners were raped and torture by Fujimori's agents, many were injected with viruses, according to their relatives two were injected with the HIV virus. Many prisoners receive their meager meals with pulverized glass. These are crimes against humanity that the imperialist press deliberately hides. Where is President Gonzalo? Why the enemy is afraid to show him in person? MYTH No. 1. Fujimori's popularity remains high. He had 65% of the vote. SOURCE: George Bush and Bill Clinton. FACT. U.S. puppet Kenyo Fujimori is hated by the people. He obtained only 18% of registered voters. This lackey is popular with his master US imperialism, the big monopolies, big bankers and the financial blood suckers such as the IMF and the World Bank. His popularity with the Peruvian people is pure propaganda spread out by the yellow press in Peru which is controlled by the intelligence services. SLANDER No. 4. "PCP believes Fidel Castro is a U.S. lackey." SOURCE: Bernard W. Aronson, State Dept., 3/23/92. FACT: False. Actually Castro was a lackey of Nikita Sergenovich Khrushchev. MYTH No. 2. At the U.S. military base of Santa Lucia in Alto Huallaga, a PCP stronghold, U.S. Green Berets and advisors fight against drugs. SOURCE: Every U.S. government since Reagan's time, Senderologists Scott Palmer and Cynthia McClintock. FACT: U.S. military at the base leads the counterinsurgency war against the People's Army. "War on Drugs" is a disguise. PCP lead Open People's Committees of Huallaga have more than 100,000 people who have risen up in arms and are re-making their society, ending dependency on the coca trade. MYTH No. 3. After Fujimori's self coup, Bush cut him off of military aid, Clinton resumed it. SOURCE: The New York Times. FACT: The military coup was planned by Yankee imperialism to take command of the war. Aronson was in Lima coordinating the coup. The "Cut in aid" was purely rhetorical. SLANDER No. 5. During armed strikes, PCP orders workers (under death threat) to go home. PCP considers workers as enemies. SOURCE: "Peru's Brutal Insurgency: SL", 1992 U.S. Dept. State Dispatch. FACT: Complete lie. Workers and masses organized in PCP-led organizations in the cities such as the MRDP and MOTC, participate actively in armed strikes; the proletariat is at the forefront of the battles. SLANDER No. 6. " PCP killed miners' leader Saul Santoral, textile worker Enrique Castilla, U.S. journalist Todd Smith and others." SOURCE: National Intelligence Services (SIN, the Peruvian CIA) FACT: False. Former Army General Rodolfo Robles (an insider of the Peruvian armed forces) denounced in 1994 that SIN death squads killed them. SLANDER No. 7. "PCP recruits frustrated women whose husbands left them to seek jobs in the cities." SOURCE: Senderologists (agents of the armed forces) Degregori, Raul Gonzales, Carlos Tapia and human rights trafficker Robin Kirk. FACT: Women participate at all levels of the Party and the People's army because their oppression and emancipation will be solved only as part of the liberation of the working class through People's War. SLANDER No. 8. "PCP is like Pol Pot. It has killed 250 duly elected authorities. A Sendero victory would compare not to Cuba's Castro, El Salvador's FMLN, Nicaragua's Sandinistas, the Vietnam's guerrillas, but Cambodia under Pol Pot. Luis Arce Borja says over a million will die." SOURCE: i) US State Department 3/23/92. B. Aronson, ii) The filthy "liberal" Robert Torricelli. FACT: 1) The PCP is a self-reliant and self-sufficient Communist Party that puts politics in command of the gun; the Khmer Rouge was a "movement" supported by the CIA and the Chinese. 2) The Vietnamese executed 13,000 "authorities"; and compared with its populations the FMLN and Castro's revolution executed many more than the PCP. That's part of revolutionary violence. In comparison, how many have killed the imperialists in the invasions to Iraq, Panama, Vietnam, etc. In Peru, the bloody reactionary army has so far murdered more than 30,000 people. 3) Arce Borja is not a member of the PCP. He speaks only for himself and he never said such a thing. MYTH No. 4. "At its best, PCP only had 5,000 militants active in 19 out of the 24 Departments SOURCE: CIA's World Fact Book. Senderologists Raul Gonzales and Carlos Tapia and SIN. FACT: For the CIA "facts" means "lies". On April 1996 (in the bourgeois magazine Carets 1408), Senderologist Carlos Tapia, who is close to SIN, said: "I have the hard drive of Guzman," they are 23,430 fighters not counting the PCP Huallaga Base." SLANDER No. 9. "Sendero's leader Guzman is pleading for Peace Talks. Sendero is split." SOURCE: CIA, SIN and a handful of capitulators in prison. FACT: Counterrevolutionary hoax smashed with more People's War. Party is strong and united as a steel. The above are but a few examples where the SWP helps to promote the psychological operations of imperialism in order to hinder international support for the People's War. In addition, SWP borrows Troskyte innuendo to mischaracterize the PCP by calling it "bonapartist', "Stalinist", even suggesting the crazy idea that the Party is "anarchist"! In its tabloids "The Militant" and "New International," which are distributed in their Pathfinder Bookstores, it defames as "terrorists" the heroic people of Peru, fighting an armed struggle under the leadership of the PCP against the brutal regime of dictator Fujimori. Continued... ................... Published by The New Flag, a Peruvian magazine at the service of the oppressed. 30-08 Broadway, Suite 159 Queens, NY 11106 E-Mail: PCP Web Page: --- from list ---
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