File spoon-archives/marxism-general.archive/marxism-general_1997/97-02-02.084, message 46

Date: Thu, 30 Jan 1997 08:41:57 +0100 (MET)
Subject: Re: M-I: Re: M-G: Sweden--Moral and political dilemma!

Adolfo writes;
>Malecki is - I bet - not too happy at all to get this advice: Take the money
>and run and screw the fat Swedish teachers in 18.000 a bloody month!  This
>actually involves some work, albeit basically emitting gases, he does still
>has to actually go thru the motions!
>However, yes.  I agree with the gist of the advice without having to bring
>Engels into it (I may be over suspicioss, but it occurs to me that Rodwell
>is fishing for some unearned and unearnable cash here by threatening in a
>suggestive manner to write volume VII of Das Capital (The Next Intergalactic
>Generation) with malecki's dosh).  Get the job malecki, do something instead
>of vegetating, but use the money to catch up on some wives and children
>support instead!
>Red Auntie Deirdre
>your beloved heart-break 
>column for "bolshie" connundrums.

Despite Adolfo's hostility to the Trotskyists and in this case very funny 
coming from a guy who advocates making a "deal" with the progressive wing of 
the Peruvian bougeoisie as the classical Stalinist-Menshevik line of the 
stage theory of revolution and the popular front linked to militant rhetoric 
of the glorious armed struggle of the PCP as the leading star of betrayal of 
the Peruvian Proletariat..

I like the attitude of his letter. To bad that Aldolfo is playing footsy 
with the professors here on M-I. But I guess Aldolfo is more interested in 
being seen as one of the serious professor types with a pipe in his mouth 
and for a change verbally licking their boots instead of the kicking boots 
he reserves for the Trotskyists.

Trotsky always said that the professors had a soft spot for Stalinism. I 
guess in this case it is the other way around. Aldolfo is kissing the "ivory 
tower" gangs asses these days. And as a sop he gets patted on the head as 
part of the gang or
"Comrade that think Stalin" was just a great guy. Suck!!

To bad Adolfo! I liked you much better on M1. But I guess the lesson is that 
anybody who would make a deal with the liberal wing of the Peruvian 
bougeoisie must feel more comfortable in the sandbox with the ivory tower! 
It sort of fits. I mean look at it this way Aldolfo. Now you don,t have to 
live with a split personality. You can suck up to both the "ivory tower" 
gang here and the liberal wing of the Peruvian bougeois along with the PCP. 
It is like a complete cozy world you have created for yourself after the 
demise of M1.

In fact Detcom Detroit writes more serious stuff these days then the new 

But honestly I liked the old Aldolfo better. I think that a purge in the WMC 
might be neccessary. Expell Aldolfo for being soft on M-I so he can bath in 
the shadows of the "Ivory Tower" gang! By the way Aldolfo I noticed it is 
below your dignity to write on M-G. Is it because of your new found love for 
the "Ivory Tower" gang? Just curious...

Bob Malecki

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