Date: Tue, 4 Feb 1997 03:08:57 +0100 (MET) Subject: Re: M-G: MRTA- Revolutionaries, or counter-revolutionaries? Jay, You wrote: >MRTA - Revolutionaries, or Counter-revolutionaries? > > >Everyone knows that Peru is living through a social-political revolution in >which the main motor of revolutionary change is the armed struggle >implemented as People's War by the Communist Party of Peru. > >With the occassion of the seizure of the Japanese embassy in Lima, some >people who otherwise hold to communist positions, have become confused by >this event, applying wrongly the United Front policies in a menshevik >manner. i.e. advocating united front between revolutionary and >counter-revolutionary forces, between communists and anti-communists, >between consistent anti-imperialist fighters, and utter stooges of >imperialism and the darkest reactionary forces in Peru WITHIN THE CONTEXT >OF A REVOLUTIONARY WAR. > >These comrades fail to understand the fundamental issue of United Front >policy: United front is FOR, and never against the revolution! United >Front for the People's War and its victory, and not for its capitulation. >United Front for the SMASHING of the ruling class state, not for its >preservation by means of a "lasting and inclusive peace agreement". .... (etc) This is pretty good stuff, Jay - a basically correct analysis, so far, on that level. I think it would be quite qualified for a "Marxism-Major" or even a "Marxism-Colonel" mailing list. Now the question we've been discussing, some of us, on *this here* list, is: More precisely *WHICH* gangster in the world might be behind this (of course counter-revolutionary) action? Do you have any theory on this, Jay? I think we *should try* - since "there's nobody here but us chickenses" - the best we can, to do some overall analysis, provide, if possible, some *"General-level"* leadership. Rolf M. --- from list ---
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