Date: Tue, 04 Feb 1997 11:43:36 -0500 Subject: M-G: More lies from the charlatan Oleachea. Don Adolpho Oleachea wrote: >Moreover, the Fujimori mouthpieces posing as "New Flag", "Luis Quispe", >"PCP Web Page", etc. added to this confusionist smoke screen hiding the >nasty counter-revolutionary and pro-imperialist character of the MRTA >objectives by taking the name of the Communist Party of Peru in vain. >These murky people: immediately proclaimed the seizure of the Japanese >embassy as an "anti-imperialist" (i.e. revolutionary) action. The charlatan Oleachea's rantings, as usual, make for an entertaining read. It's always a pleasure when this mouthpiece for the Arce Borja clique can take a break from his arduous responsibilities as great helmsman/court jester of the World Macarena Commission to send a missive or two in our direction. Communists will especially get a laugh from his equating of "anti- imperialist" and "revolutionary" -- placing himself squarely in the company of such great "revolutionaries" as Selassie, Khomeini, and the Afghan mujahadeen. Unfortunately in this instance, however, his ravings contain some dan- gerous untruths. In the interests of clarity, let's take a look at what the comrades at the New Flag *really* said about MRTA: >From 2-Jan-97, post headed "Re: Misleading Disinformation" responding to a defender of Fujimori who claimed to be a U.S. diplomat: >MRTA is an armed revisionist gang that colludes with Yankee >imperialism. . . . You know that the PCP, as a matter of >policy, does not carried such an activities isolated from the masses. >The MRTA is showing itself its real face. They even allow a killer >priest, organizer of paramilitary and death squads in Ayacucho, bishop >Juan Luis Cipriani Thorne as an intermediary. Cirpiani has been linked >to CESID (the Spanish CIA), he works with the peasant rondas (see >magazine Caretas). And earlier, from 22-Dec-96, post headed "MRTA Seeks Only Dialogue": (The last paragraph contains the clown Adolpho's so-called smoking gun.) >MRTA ARMED REVISIONISM: EVERYTHING FOR DIALOGUE NOTHING FOR >REVOLUTION. > >The world has witnessed the spectacular seizure of the Japanese >Embassy by the MRTA, a small revisionist group that emerged in 1984 >from the remains of "focoist"organizations of the 60's (followers of >Che Guevara's foco theory) and sectors of APRA, a party of the >Peruvian oligarchy. The attention of the world imperialist media is >again on Peru to demonize the actions of the insurgency. However, it >is helping to expose the farce of a "pacified country," "booming >economy," and "defeated Sendero" at the time when even the "dead" and >many times "buried" MRTA walks again. > >The Embassy take over is a good political test for the MRTA. They have >in their hands legitimate targets of any revolution: dozens of war >criminals and heads of death squads, intelligence advisors (allegedly >4 to 6 CIA operatives), notorious exploiters and blood suckers of the >Peruvian masses, and representatives of several imperialist countries, >etc. What is the MRTA going to do? Two outcomes are expected: >genocide and/or class conciliation. The former is the specialty of the >Peruvian armed forces (and its Yankee advisors) and the latter is >inherent in the MRTA. These two options for the Fujimori regime have >already been delineated by U.S. State Department spokesman Nicholas >Burns and William Perry, head of the Yankee Pentagon, who along with >Germany and Japan have sent special assault forces and high tech >equipment to Peru. This proves once more that it is Yankee imperialism >that leads the low intensity warfare against the Peruvian people. > >IDEOLOGICAL BACKGROUND. > >MRTA proclaims it is making revolution by means of "all forms of >struggle," and follows the example of M-19 from Colombia and the FMLN >in El Salvador, seeking their own insertion into the capitalist >system, thus serving the old State. Initially, their aim was to become >an armed tool of the United Left (IU), especially when this loose >coalition of opportunists was supporting the APRA regime of Alan >Garcia Perez. At the start, MRTA attacked the People's War (mostly >through the bourgeois media), but gave the regime one year of truce to >"solve the problems of the country." When the truce expired, the MRTA >through the reactionary media, called for "peace negotiations" with >the government on every occasion when the People's War was involved in >great political and military offensives nationwide (e.g., armed >strikes). The purpose was to sow confusion and demoralization among >the masses. Also, there were cases in which the MRTA joined the armed >forces in fighting the People's Army led by the PCP (e.g., Department >of San Mart=EDn in 1991.) > >What we wish to emphasize is the fundamentally different natures of >the strategies and tactics of the PCP and the MRTA. Ours is a road >that leads to the conquest of power countrywide; theirs is one that >leads only to negotiations for reforms and capitulation, down the >well-worn path of M-19 in Colombia and Central America. This is the >difference between a genuine People's War and the tactics of armed >revisionism. > >The MRTA's actions are aimed at gaining publicity and at making >demands on the reactionaries isolated from the masses. The PCP's >actions are not aimed at taking hostages for ransom, but at building >the New Power, towards the conquest of power countrywide. > >For example, the MRTA, like many other armed revisionist movements, >often kidnaps wealthy businessmen for ransom. The PCP, in contrast, >believes in self-reliance and support from the masses. The People's >Army of Liberation not only is ingrained in the masses for support and >intelligence, but also engages in production in large portions of the >country so as not to be a burden on the people. That's the way the >New Power is being built. > >The MRTA carries out elaborate commando-style actions that create >headlines, such as the overrun of a police station in the city of >Juanjui, Department of San Martin in 1990. Regarding that, the PCP >pointed out in the 1991 document "On the Two Hills": > >"In their own communique they claim that it was a `political-military >campaign to call the national and international attention to the >situation of neglect in the region, the corruption of many of its >authorities, and the abuse and omnipotence of the military. Their >political objective defines their type of actions, and this was a >simple propaganda action. And why do they call for attention? They >say nothing about the systemic causes of exploitation of the people, >or the semi-feudal, semi-colonial or bureaucratic capitalist character >of our society; they list no causes within the political >superstructure or in the character of the old state, through which the >class regime of Fujimori acts, because for them the problem of >Fujimori is one of `the inhumane policies of Sr. Fujimori', or the >`fraud of electoral promises' or `submission to the international >bankers' or the `surrender of our sovereignty through the anti-drug >treaty.' For them, the problem is not the exploiter, the big >bourgeoisie nor the landowner nor principally Yankee imperialism. > >"As to the propaganda actions themselves, these are few compared with >the thousands of actions carried out by the Party, which for more than >eleven years has been conducting guerrilla attacks on military posts, >simultaneously in all the regions of the country, not in just one, as >part of a unified program armed actions such as sabotages, blockades, >blackouts, arms seizures, and the capture of enemy forces; or compared >to the retention of our forces in the cities and strategic points, >including massive propaganda actions in base areas, and people's >assemblies for agitation and armed propaganda, including people's >trials. Thus, MRTA's action was nothing but a small and deformed type >of propaganda action which failed them. Its purpose was to call >attention, but to date they have not addressed the problems of the >province, and by the way, they have not even denounced the genocide >which continues today. > >"As to the policy with prisoners, we apply our political principles, >because those taken prisoners are asked if they want to return, if >they want to desert, or if they want to join us. We never, on >principle, return them to the enemy like they did in a spectacle with >the Catholic Church....President Gonzalo teaches us that for the MRTA >the question is `everything for dialogue,' nothing for revolution, >revolutionary war or new power'; and `everything in the name of peace >based on justice and the sovereignty of our people.'" > >President Gonzalo also said of MRTA: "Finally, another issue that >makes us different--and forgive me if I'm insistent--it concerns >independence, self-reliance, and making our own decisions. Because >others do not have these characteristics they are used as pawns, >while we are not. However, there is one far-reaching difference: We >uphold Marxism-Leninism-Maoism as our guide, others do not. In sum, >the greatest difference, the fundamental difference, is in the point >of departure: Ours is the ideology of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, >principally Maoism, applied to the specific conditions of our >country. I insist here again, that it is very clear that they show >their falsity of their accusations of "dogmatism" against us--which >they do at the behest of their masters." > >While some of the MRTA's actions, such as today's at the Japanese >Embassy, have an anti-imperialist character, they are not part of the >struggle for socialism or for the true liberation of the people from >imperialism as is the People's War led by the PCP. Well, there you have it. The stinking fish Oleachea indeed dies by his own mouth! It's really too bad, since Adolpho's own piece of 6-Jan-97 was not -- to the extent that it focused on the MRTA and not his own obsessive need to slander honest revolutionaries (he was already mis- quoting the above paragraph as affirming the embassy takeover as "objectively anti-imperialist" -- quite another thing altogether!) -- a bad piece of work. Sadly, our dapper Don continues to place his hunger for power above the revolution. -- Matt D. -- Finger for PGP Public Key -- --- from list ---
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