File spoon-archives/marxism-general.archive/marxism-general_1997/97-02-09.043, message 16

Date: Tue, 4 Feb 1997 20:02:39 +0100 (MET)
Subject: Re: M-G: More lies from the charlatan Oleachea.

Matt writes...
>The charlatan Oleachea's rantings, as usual, make for an entertaining
>read.  It's always a pleasure when this mouthpiece for the Arce Borja
>clique can take a break from his arduous responsibilities as great
>helmsman/court jester of the World Macarena Commission to send
>a missive or two in our direction.
>Communists will especially get a laugh from his equating of "anti-
>imperialist" and "revolutionary" -- placing himself squarely in the
>company of such great "revolutionaries" as Selassie, Khomeini, and
>the Afghan mujahadeen.

Actually Matt I think that Aldolfo's classical position on the United Front 
>from the third period of the Stalinist era is what is wrong with his 
ravings. In fact he almost sounds like the Thaleman the leader of the German 
CP. And his line if carried out in a serious situation were to be carried 
out would prove to be a diaster! 

I took a look at Trotsky and the Question of the United Front in Germany. 
And there was a great picture of Thaleman reviewing the "Red Front" against 
the *real* fascists 
(Social Democracy) and then below it another picture where the Nazi party 
after taking power and the excution platoons mowing down members of the 
German CP.

Aldolf's line on the United Front would be a catastopy in any country. 
Because fundementally as a Stalinist he stands the United Front on its head 
and demands that everybody take part in the full program of the PCP and 
every speech that Gonzalo ever made.

And then on the other hand quite openly admits that he as well as the PCP 
are prepared to make a deal with the liberal wing of the Peruvian 
bougeoisie. So in fact they have the same fundemental position as the MRTA 
on this question of making deals.

It is because nither the PCP, Aldolfo or MRTA have anything do do with a 
Leninist combat party to lead the Proletariat to its historical role 
encompassed in the "Dictatorship" of the Proletariat. In fact both 
organisations base their tactics on at best Guerrilla warfare and in the 
case of the PCP and alien and non-revolutionary class the peasantry!

Lenin was quite clear on the politics of the United Front: 

The Lessons of the Russian Experience

"During July to August, Kerensky, then head of the gopvernment, was 
fulfilling the programme of Kornilkov,the commander-in-chief of the army. He 
reinstated at the front the military court-martial and death penalty. He 
deprived the duly elected Soviets of all influence upon  government 
matters;he pacified the peasants; he doubled the price of bread (under the 
state monopoly of foodstuffs); he prepared for the evacutation of 
revolutionar Petrograd; he concentrated, with Kornilkov's consent, 
counter-revolutionary troops towards the capital; he promised the allies to 
iniate a new attack at the front, etc. Such was the general political 

"What course did the Bolshevik party take? Not for and instant did it 
hesitate to conclude a practical alliance to fight against Kornilkov (when 
he broke with Kerensky)"

"Everywhere committees for revolutionary defense were organised, into which 
the Bolsheviks entered as a minority. "

>From "What Next" by Trotsky in his polemics against the Stalinist turn to 
the "Red Front"...

Naturally the Bolshevik Parties position and Adolfo's and Stalin's position 
on the United Front are diametrically opposed to any kind of Lenist policy 
on tactical questions. which in fact could be the fate of a *real* 
pre-revolutionary situation or revolutionary situation. Aldolfo's blustering 
around the United front aimed at the MRTA people and the Red Flag people 
must be seen as a farse. But it also is a warning about the bankrupt 
politics that Aldolfo and the PCP represent!

In fact there ultimatism in demanding that anybody who does not agree with 
them on everything can not be part of their "revolutionary front" is like 
spitting in the wind and getting the spit right back in your own face!

Both the PCP and the MRTA have no program or any Bolshevik tactics to solve 
the question of leadership for the Peruvian Proletariat. Both of these 
organisations base their politics on adventurist petty bougeois actions and 
organisation iof alien class forces (the peasantry). 

However both should be defended against the Fujimora regime and its 
imperialist allies. When they actually do point the guns in the right 
direction- (This has not been the case with the PCP especially)

Thus the statement below which Cockroach made at the beginning of this 
crisis is still viable. 

Bob Malecki

Peru-Imperialism,MRTA, and the hostages!(Declaration)

It is very interesting for poor and working class people to observe the 
spectacular occupation of the Japanese Embassy in Peru by the MRTA, the 
reactions to this occupation by the imperialists and the hostage question!

In that the MRTA did not occupy and airplane or a train station with 
hundreds of hostages of normal people. But took 4 or 5 hundred darlings of 
the diplomatic corps, includind a bunch of "military attachees" (in reality 
spies) and a bunch of high placed business executives- we see that the 
normal reaction of imperialism of "No compromise with terrorism" and "we are 
preparing and anti-terrorist army to storm the building" have completely 
disappeared! Instead we hear the imperialist spokesman talking about a 
peaceful solution to the "crisis". 

How quaint that imperialism defends these hostages and darlings of their own 
class rule! If it had been poor and working class people who were held 
hostage then we would have seen a storming of the building and the 
possibility of a blood bath for innocent civilians to show the world that 
terrorism must be met with superior force.
However, Fujimora just might storm the embassy despite the "peaceful 
solutions" tone coming from the imperialists. Fujimora might decide that the 
Peruvian foreign minister is worth the price of a bloody storming. 

So the struggle against terrorism in reality depends on *who* is held 
hostage-Joe Blow poor and working class people or the darlings of the 
imperialist powers. Poor and working class people should have NO TEARS for 
these so called "innocent hostages" who in fgact are part and pack in giving 
money and political support to the Fujimora regime which has so much blood 
of poor and working class people in Peru on their hands! And if any blood is 
shed it is entirely because of the bloody regime that Fujimora represents 
and which drives militants to these kind of heroric suicidal actions.

At the same time we should support the just demands of the MRTA of releasing 
the political prisoners held in concentration like camps and live daily with 
torture and murder of opponents to this regime led by Fujimora and backed up 
by the military.
At the same time we should say to the people in MRTA that their adventurist 
actions of guerilla warfare and small groups of dedicated people with arms 
in hand taking on alone the military dictatorship of the Fujimora regime are 
completely bankrupted! Only by arming the Peruvian working class and 
perasantry both politically and with guns and setting up a real workers and 
peasants goverment can sweep away this rotten regime including the darlings 
(hostages) that are presently being held.

We should defend these militants despite their adventurist actions against 
the Peruvian regime. While at the same time condemning them for political 
bankruptcy. We do not need isolated groups of heroes who attack ambassies 
and take hostages. We need professional revolutionaries who can mobilize the 
working class and peasants who have the social power to sweep the Fujimora 
garbage on to the dustbin of history!

And we should no the deference between the MRTA which gets its inspiration 
>from the Cuban revolution and the terrorism that evolves out of Islamic 
fundementalism which wants to take society back to the middle ages!

We need Communist Bolshevik organosations thoughout Latin America that can 
link the struggles to a continental and world movement.

Victory for the MRTA militants and their just demands!

Meet the demands of the MRTA!

Free all militants from the Fujimora concentration camps!

No political support to MRTA's petty bougeois adventurism! 

Defend the MRTA from Fujimora and imperialist attack!

Warm Regards
Bob Malecki

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