File spoon-archives/marxism-general.archive/marxism-general_1997/97-02-09.043, message 29

Date: Thu, 6 Feb 1997 09:18:59 +0100 (MET)
Subject: M-G: The American Labor Party Debate!

This is and interesting discussion going on the Labor Party list between Neil, Michael E. on the one hand and Paul Z and 

In the first discussion Michael who appears to be in the right wing pro-democratic party wing is attacking Neil for his correct position on the democratic party. The funny thing about Michael is that he is using the most incredible and classical Bernstein formulations in his defense. In fact I do not think that a future LP should be running around tailing the workers who (in lack of any real alternative) support the democratic party. The Democratic Party is not a trade union but a party of capitalism and the bosses. And people building and alternative to the Democratic Party must be for a clear demarkation from this party and in favor of a *real* independent party with a program that fights in the interests of poor and working class people. All else is just Bullshit!

Neil by the way is absolutely right about the Democratic Party here. His problem is that he has and ultra left position on the mass organisations of the working class (the trade unions) but on the Democratic Party he is absolutely correct.

I find it still quite unbelievable that the LP continues to moan over this rather simple question.

And then the other debate between Paul Z and which reflects the tactical course to the above discussion in "electoral" strategy. Where Paul Z wants to go forth with Independent lists and aucad appears to want to grovel in the wake of Democratic Party.

And the question of the (on going) do's and don'ts of Dellums I find partically despicable. What we need are black leaders that are prepared to fight for a *real* independent LP. Just as we need trade union leaders, women leaders etc.. And tailing Dellums is not the way to go. And just the fact that people here seem to be holding their breathe and waiting to see if Dellums farts or not will certainly not change anything. In fact it just says a lot about the character of some of the LPers on this list! Political cowards who playing in the sandbox of the "leftwing" of the Democratic Party.

Unless the LP can take a clear line of breaking with the democrats and go forth both in the trade unions and communities as a clear independent alternative to the twin parties of capitalism then it will never get off the ground. And until then any serious person should just turn their backs to this fake "independant" LP. Because it does not exist in reality. The only thing that exists today is and LP which supports the Democratic Party!

And all the Bernstien declarations in the world about how workers think and act will not help the LP. In fact the point is to go forth and present a clear alternative to poor and working class people. That is what the role of leadership and the LP should be. And all those who oppose this from the right are in fact closet democrats who want to play both ends of the stick. 

All those in the LP who think that tying oneself to the Democratic Party is the best way forward should just go and join the Democratic Party! And all those who want to create an independent LP should stick around and roll up their sleeves and get to work. This includes the various trade union leaderships supporting the LP. Tactics should not be determined by which trade union local says I support the LP and then uses all the money to support the Democratic Party. Instead we should try and get a mass base in the unions and put forth leaders who support the LP for its independence from the Democrats and their program. By kissing ass with the left wing of the trade union bureaucracy will not change one thing!

Because if this discussion is not brought to a serious and open discussion and conclusions, program and tactics are drawn in the face of this fundemental question. There is no way forward out of the morass. And in fact every serious militant and activist should condemn the LP for being a morass which at best when push comes to shove is sucking up to the left wing of the Democratic Party!

Better to have this out now and get rid of the basic contradiction between to fundemental lines that can not be united in one party. Because if you don't there will never be and Independent Labor Party. But just a collection of fundemental opposing lines jockeying for position in something that will never help the poor and working class find a way forward.. 

Finally as a Trotskyist I would like to say that the LP if it wants any kind of critical support from the left who want to go much much father then most of the present left of the LP today then you had better get your act together. Your political capitulation time and again to the pro demo saboteurs of any kind of independant alternative makes the present situation in the present fake LP a joke. Because in fact the present LP in tactics, program and strategy is not INDEPENDENT at all but and appendage to the Democratic Party. And to say that it is anything else is just a pipedream. And anybody on this list who really wants to build a INDEPENDENT alternative should say exactly that both here and everywhere else. I as a trade union activists try to tell the truth to the workers as i see it. And in this case the LP at present is and appendage to the Democratic Party and deserve NO support what so ever! Better to vote for the Democratic Party! Then a fake Labor Party that is kissi!
ng the ass of the Democratic Party!

That would for me be the truth today. February 6th 1997.

And if you continue along this course should be condemned as a rotten block of fakers who will never do anything at all for poor and working class people. And deserve no support what so ever from any left organisation.

Break with the Democratic Party!

Until then,No support for these Fakers calling themselves "The Labor Party"!

Instead of an LP of Democratic Party Asskissers!

For a *real*Independent alternative to the Democratic Party!

Bob Malecki

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