File spoon-archives/marxism-general.archive/marxism-general_1997/97-02-09.043, message 5

Date: Sun, 2 Feb 1997 12:50:06 +0100 (MET)
Subject: M-G: UNITE! Info #27en: 5/5 Who fights "green" fascism?

UNITE! Info #27en: 5/5 Who fights "green" fascism?
[Posted: 02.02.97]

[Continued from part 4/5]


INTRO NOTE to the appendix:

I here post again the text of the so-called Heidelberg Appeal,
which was first sent as one of two complements to my posting
of 21.03.96, "UNITE! #4en".

This is a statement originally published on June 1, 1992, immedi-
ately before the so-called "Earth Summit" in Rio de Janeiro, as
signed by 264 scientists, including 52 Nobel prize recipients, from
29 countries. Among those were, according to a very small notice
in the next day's issue of the newspaper International Herald
Tribune where a minimum of reporting on this very important
statement was hidden away, the Nobel prize physicians Pierre-
Gilles de Gennes of France and Donald Glaser of the United
States, British medical laureates Sir Andrew Huxley and Sir
Richard Doll and the American chemistry and peace recipient
Linus Pauling.

Later, the number of scientists who have signed this appeal has
increased to more than 1000. This I learned in 1995 by a repre-
sentative of the Schiller Institute in Stockholm, Sweden, to whom
I'm grateful for his contacting me then to send me the full text of
this statement.  In important respects I'm not in agreement with
the standpoints on political matters of the Schiller Institute. But
I agree with it on its stressing the importance of this appeal.

I reproduce the text of the appeal from the Fall 1992 issue of the
magazine "21st Century Science and Technology", which also
included the suggestion:

"In order for your name to be included on the signature list, return
one copy of the Appeal with your signature, stating your academic
title or professional position to: Dr. M. Solomon, coordinator of the
Heidelberg Appeal, 10 Avenue de Messine, 75008 Paris, France
(Fax 33-142-890059)."

                         THE HEIDELBERG APPEAL

                 *To Heads of States and Governments*

=A4	We want to make our full contribution to the preservation of
	our common heritage, the Earth.

=A4	We are however worried, at the dawn of the 21st century, at
	the emergence of an irrational ideology which is opposed to
	scientific and industrial progress and impedes economic
	and social development.

=A4	We contend that a Natural State, sometimes idealized by
	movements with a tendency to look toward the past, does
	not exist and has probably never existed since man's first
	appearance in the biosphere, insofar as humanity has
	always progressed by harnessing Nature to its needs and
	not the reverse.

=A4	We fully subscribe to the objectives of a scientific ecology
	for a universe whose resources must be taken stock of,
	monitored, and preserved.

=A4	But we herewith demand that this stocktaking, monitoring,
	and preservation be founded on scientific criteria and not
	on irrational preconceptions.

=A4	We stress that many essential human activities are carried
	out either by manipulating hazardous substances or in their
	proximity, and that progress and development have always
	involved increasing control over hostile forces, to the
	benefit of mankind.

=A4	We therefore consider that scientific ecology is no more
	than an extension of this continual progress toward the
	improved life of future generations.

=A4	We intend to assert science's responsibility and duties
	toward society as a whole.

=A4	We do, however, forewarn the authorities in charge of our
	planet's destiny against decisions which are supported by
	pseudoscientific arguments or false and nonrelevant data.

=A4	We draw everybody's attention to the absolute necessity
	of helping poor countries attain a level of sustainable
	development which matches that of the rest of the planet,
	protecting them from troubles and dangers stemming
	from developed nations, and avoiding their entanglement
	in a web of unrealistic obligations which would compromise
	both their independence and their dignity.

=A4	The greatest evils which stalk our Earth are ignorance and
	oppression, and not Science, Technology, and Industry
	whose instruments, when adequately managed, are
	indispensable tools of a future shaped by Humanity, by
	itself and for itself, overcoming major problems like
	overpopulation, starvation and worldwide diseases.

[So far the Heidelberg Appeal]=09

F=D6RENA ER! Info en/de/fr/es/se series:

Advocates the political line of Marx, Lenin and Mao Zedong.
Each item # will be posted in one or more language(s).
Leaflets in the INFORMATIONSBLAD series published by
me, mainly in Swedish, since 1975 are available on request.

Bef=FCrwortet die politische Linie von Marx, Lenin und Mao
Zedong. Jedes Nummer # wird in einer oder mehreren
Sprache(n) gesandt werden. Flugbl=E4tter der Reihe
INFORMATIONSBLAD, von mir haupts=E4chlich in Schwedisch
seit 1975 ver=F6ffentlicht, sind auf Anfrage erhaltlich.

Avocate de la ligne politique de Marx, Lénine et Mao Zedong.
Chaque numéro # sera envoyé en une ou plusieurs langue(s).
Volantes de la série INFORMATIONSBLAD, publiée par moi
principalement en suédois depuis 1975, sont accessibles sur

Partidaria de la l=EDnea pol=EDtica de Marx, Lenin y Mao Zedong.
Cado n=FAmero # sera enviado en una o varias lengua(s).
Se pueden conseguir a la demanda volantes de la serie
INFORMATIONSBLAD, publicada por me principalmente
en sueco desde 1975.

F=F6respr=E5kar Marx', Lenins och Mao Zedongs politiska linje.
Varje nummer # kommer att s=E4ndas p=E5 ett eller flera spr=E5k.
Flygblad i serien INFORMATIONSBLAD, publicerad av mig
huvudsakligen p=E5 svenska sedan 1975, kan f=E5s p=E5 beg=E4ran. 

Postal address:
Rolf Martens
Nobelvaegen 38
S - 214 33 Malmoe
Tel: +46 - 40 - 124832

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