File spoon-archives/marxism-general.archive/marxism-general_1997/97-02-20.225, message 17

Date: Mon, 17 Feb 1997 12:04:14 +0000
Subject: M-G: Re: M-I: Democratic Congo


KARL: Hi Dave!

DAVE: But the fact is that these struggles can go nowhere except into the
arms of one or other imperialism, or alternatively, break with
imperialism by means of transforming a national democratic struggle
in to a socialist revolution.

KARL: The above is the kind of rubbish that is constantly being 
presented by may trotskyist sects about the world Dave.

There is no possibility of struggle in central Africa being able to 
break with imperialism to transform what you call "the national 
democratic struggle into a socialist revolution". Both objective and 
subjective conditions are such that this is impossible. For one, the 
economic character of this area is so backward that there is absent any 
objective basis for socialism being established there. Inter-connected 
with this is the fact that this region of Africa is so 
under-industrialised that there is little of what one would call a 
modern industrial working class especially in countries like Burundi and 

Apart from this it is ironic to hear a so called trotskyist use a stalinist 
argument, that socialism in one country is possible, to criticise 
stalinism. However the irony is merely ostensible since stalinism and 
trotskyism are merely modifications of (statist) leninism which is a 
counter-revolutionary politics.


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