Date: Tue, 18 Feb 1997 01:20:03 +0100 (MET) Subject: Re: M-G: Re: M-I: Democratic Congo Karl C wrote the below, on 17.02. Look Karl (and Dave): Talking (more or less) bullshit, as you're doing below, that's not combating imperialism or breaking with it. Fighting the reactionary Mobutu regime, on the basis of at least a sound democratic programme, as Laurent Kabila's forces in Zaire are doing, *that's* combating imperialism. Down with Mobutu! Down with bullshit talk! Support the AFDL in Zaire! Rolf M. >A KARL CARLILE MESSAGE > > >KARL: Hi Dave! > >DAVE: But the fact is that these struggles can go nowhere except into the >arms of one or other imperialism, or alternatively, break with >imperialism by means of transforming a national democratic struggle >in to a socialist revolution. > >KARL: The above is the kind of rubbish that is constantly being >presented by may trotskyist sects about the world Dave. > >There is no possibility of struggle in central Africa being able to >break with imperialism to transform what you call "the national >democratic struggle into a socialist revolution". Both objective and >subjective conditions are such that this is impossible. For one, the >economic character of this area is so backward that there is absent any >objective basis for socialism being established there. Inter-connected >with this is the fact that this region of Africa is so >under-industrialised that there is little of what one would call a >modern industrial working class especially in countries like Burundi and >Rwanda. > >Apart from this it is ironic to hear a so called trotskyist use a stalinist >argument, that socialism in one country is possible, to criticise >stalinism. However the irony is merely ostensible since stalinism and >trotskyism are merely modifications of (statist) leninism which is a >counter-revolutionary politics. > > Karl > > > --- from list --- > > --- from list ---
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