Date: Tue, 18 Feb 97 05:11:06 UT Subject: RE: M-G: Re: EASTERN ZAIRE AND THE US Rolf, You ask: "Zaire: rebels advance, obviously *not* liked by US!". Why don't you agree?" I don't agree because it doesn't mesh with the facts. The rebels are supported by two countries which the U.S. is supporting. They have great control over these two countries. They are choosing not to exercise their simple control over the two countries enabling the rebels to fight. They continue to financially and militarily support the two countries that in turn financially and militarily support the rebels. What logical conclusion can you draw from this? That, of course, the two countries are, in fact, doing the U.S.'s bidding - by passing on the aid they receive to the rebels. Where do I get this from? Here are portions of the story from today's Washington Post that I read on the web at "By early this month, Zairian rebels -- reportedly JOINED BY TROOPS FROM NEIGHBORING RWANDA AND UGANDA -- had transformed their local rebellion into a serious threat to Zaire's government and perhaps to its existence as a state. . . THE UNITED STATES AND FRANCE THIS MONTH WARNED UGANDA AND RWANDA TO STOP BACKING THE REBELLION -- they deny they are doing so -- BUT Western diplomats here said THE U.S. GOVERNMENT IS NOT PREPARED TO APPLY ANY REAL PRESSURE TO FORCE THEM TO COMPLY. . . "There is also the question of how long Uganda and Rwanda can continue supporting" the war, a diplomat said. Western embassies here said THE TWO COUNTRIES ARE SENDING THOUSANDS OF TROOPS TO FIGHT ALONGSIDE THE REBELS AND ARE PROVIDING THE FIGHTERS WITH UNIFORMS, WEAPONS AND TRANSPORT. They said Burundi has offered training facilities, which the government in Bujumbura denies. Several diplomats and aid workers said Uganda and Rwanda aim to help Kabila seize eastern Zaire up to around the Zaire River. "That's a logical frontier," a diplomat said. Uganda and Rwanda, the diplomat said, seek "a buffer zone to their west." Such an area would distance Rwanda from Hutu extremists who took part in the 1994 genocide and were launching cross-border attacks from Zairian refugee camps; Uganda's government also faces rebellions along its border with Zaire and would like a pliant neighbor. IF A WEAKENED ZAIRE GOVERNMENT HAD LESS -- OR NO -- CONTROL OVER THE REGION, UGANDA AND RWANDA ALSO COULD HELP EXPLOIT IT ECONOMICALLY, THE DIPLOMAT SAID. Eastern Zaire contains gold deposits with tons of reserves plus a large petroleum reserve near the town of Bunia -- and established cobalt and copper mines in the south. Diplomats here said THE UNITED STATES AND FRANCE ARE STILL SOME DISTANCE AWAY FROM PUTTING ANY TEETH INTO THEIR WARNINGS TO ZAIRE'S NEIGHBORS TO STAY OUT OF ITS CIVIL WAR. BOTH UGANDA AND RWANDA ARE SMALL AND POOR, AND THUS HIGHLY VULNERABLE TO PRESSURE, DIPLOMATS SAID. THE WESTERN POWERS COULD CUT OFF AID OR MULTILATERAL LENDING, OR PLACE EMBARGOES ON WEAPONS OR THE ECONOMIES OF THE TWO STATES. BUT A SENIOR WESTERN DIPLOMAT SAID, "IT IS NOT CERTAIN THE UNITED STATES WILL GET TO THE POINT" OF CUTTING OFF AID OR APPLYING SANCTIONS." (The emphasis - putting sections in all caps, is mine.) If you now accept that the AFDL is not all it's cracked up to be, I urge you to re-read Dave's reply to Louis Godena and the article he kindly attached to it. It is a difficult reality to accept, the magnitude of the suffering and hopelessness in this region of the world today. Angie --- from list ---
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