File spoon-archives/marxism-general.archive/marxism-general_1997/97-02-20.225, message 31

Date: Sun, 16 Feb 1997 11:37:26 +0100 (MET)
Subject: M-G: Detcom, Peru and Foreign Policy!

Detcom has finally done somthing with his skills. He has gone and found a 
whole list of *real* enemies of poor and working class people! Hats off to 
Det com! Publishing a list like this of American diplomats to Peru is 
great!This is much better then your pictures used against political 
opponents! In fact I use to work in the mail order department of one of the 
biggest department stores in Sweden. It was cooperative owned and a Social 
Democratic pipedream which evolved out of the workers struggles in the 
20ties and thirties.

However this is another story. What was interesting about this job was that 
the diplomatic corps had a blank check to buy all the stuff they needed when 
being sent out to their posts. in this big store they bought everything from 
furniture to caviar to be shipped out to the embassies around the world. Not 
only that it usually was the wives to the diplomats that did the shopping 
and they usually came in pairs or groups and gossiped alot!

Not only could you see who was who but a lot of the whys for how Swedish 
fake "neutrality" diplomacy worked. For example every time their was a 
crisis in the middle east whether and Israeli invasion into Lebanon or war 
with Egypt one could see how this made the activity of the diplomatic corps 
in Sweden do hat tricks.But you got the physical confirmation by the amounts 
of furniture and caviar being sent out and to where it was being sent!

Caviar (something every Swede just can,t be without for breakfast) would 
suddenly stop being sent to one country and huge amounts of caviar would be 
moved to another. All depending on how the government in power determined 
their foreign policy in relation to the crisis.

Not only that-one could allso see the shift in policy from the glorious days 
of Social Democratic support to third world struggles of the past Vietnam, 
Chile, Nicaragua for example as the Social democrats marched to the right 
into the hands of German and American imperialism of today.

Anyhow I think that my position in the basement of this large department 
store in a sense was much more effective in determining who is who in the 
diplomatic corps then the model that DetCom is using. The reason is that IT 
information can be falsified and a search like Detcom's can give the results 
that the class enemy want people to think. Whereas in my position we got 
concrete conformation because we packed and shipped all the goods to the 
various embassies around the world.

Although i no longer have this job I can certainly give you some tips on the 
situation of Swedish foreign diplomacy. The once gigantic corps in Vietnam 
has been reduced drastically. The same in Nicaragua and the Latin American 
They have grown and expanded enormously in the former east block countries 
and especially the "Baltic states". Naturally in the United States they have 
grown and are expanding as well as in Germany, not to mention the former 

It basically has to do with the fundementals of the new world we are living 
in after the demise of the Soviet Union. The Swedes have always been 
opportunists at best and their niche during the late 60ties and early 
seventies of supporting third world countries with contacts to ABB and other 
Swedish companies has gone over to support of Swedish imperialism in taking 
a big a piece of the pie possible in the former deformed and degenerated 
workers states as possible.

Naturally Detcom work is valuble and proves quite clearly that Latin America 
is still considered as America's backyard. However I think that in Africa 
and in the former "workers" states the scramble by the various imperialist 
interests to get a piece of the action is much clearer. It is going to be 
quite interesting to see the expansion of NATO debate in relation to the 
hungry appetites of the Germans for example. 

Just as Africa is quite interesting because the games being played their are 
in fact very near classical historical examples of the inter-imperialist 
rivilries that are still very real along the lines of pre second world war 

And don,t forget the rather "quiet" diplomacy of the Japanese imperialists 
at this point. Talking about sleeping tigers their we certainly have a power 
to reckon with.

All in all it is only a revolutionary international that can solve these 
problems and stop a new war which will used by imperialism to redivide the pie.

Finally a short note to Godena who is once again writting off the working 
class as the only revolutionary force capable of changing things. Godena 
should not be so pessimistic! In fact i saw a report on Swedish TV last 
night that showed some of the experiments the Americans are working with for 
crowd control. Laser,s, pepper bombs, high frequency sounds, etc. Of course 
this points to the obvious question of how up tight the ruling class is 
knowing that class struggle like the stuff that recently has been going on 
here in Europe and Adam has been quite active in writting about and not to 
mention the recent events in Korea make your latest depressing contribution 
to M-I a big joke!

No I am sorry it is not a joke coming from Godena. It fits right in his 
world of and appetite to find third world anti-imperialist struggles to 
capitulate to. The latest round from Godena mentions "Islam" among other 
things. He does not come right out and say it but the obvious thrust of his 
contributions are very clear!

Glad to see that quite a number of people reacted to his anti working class 
drivel. Naturally some have reacted for all the wrong reasons. But that also 
is another story..
Bob Malecki

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